British Journal of Industrial Medicine 1989.11
İÇİNDEKİLERContentsEditorial COSHH and the NHS H A WALDRON Health significance of cadmium induced renal dysfunction: a five year follow up H A ROELS, R R LAUWERYS, J P BUCKET, A M BERNARD, A VOS, M OVERSTEYNS Pulmonary function among pulp and paper workers in Berlin, New Hampshire P K HENNEBERGER, ELLEN A EISEN, B G FERRIS JR Differences in lung function and prevalence of pneumoconiosis between two kaolin plants M E BASER, T P KENNEDY, R DODSON, W RAWLINGS JR, N V RAO, J R HOIDAL Role of computed tomography in evaluating asbestos related lung disease S LOZEWICZ, R H REZNEK, M HERDMAN, J E DACIE, A MCLEAN, R J DAVIES Characteristics of alveolar cells and soluble components in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from non-smoking aluminium potroom workers A EKLUND, R ARNS, E BLASCHKE, J HED, S-O HJERTQUIST, K LARSSON, H LÖWGREN, J NYSTRÖM, C M SKÖLD, G TORNLING Prevalence of byssinosis in textile mills at Ahmedabad, India J R PARIKH, L J BHAGIA, P K MAJUMDAR, A R SHAH, S K KASHYAP A cytogenetic and haematological investigation of oil exposed workers in a Norwegian cable manufacturing company K SKYBERG, INGER-LISE HANSTEEN, 0 JELMERT, A R0NNEBERG Clinical and neurobehavioural study of the acute and chronic neurotoxicity of styrene G TRIEBIG, S LEHRL, D WELTLE, K H SCHALLER, H VALENTIN Neuropsychiatric effects of low exposure to styrene U FLODIN, K EKBERG, L ANDERSSON Risk of cancer in pesticide operators in Swedish agriculture KERSTIN WIKLUND, J DICH, L-E HOLM, G EKLUND Relation between renal function tests and a retrospective organic solvent exposure score P HOTZ, J PILLIOD, D SÖDERSTRÖM, F REY, M A BOILLAT, H SAVOLAINEN Occupational asthma due to unheated polyvinylchloride resin dust H S LEE, J YAP, Y T WANG, C S LEE, K T TAN, S C POH Kidney cancer in utility workers exposed to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) S L SHALAT, L D TRUE, LORA E FLEMING, PATRICIA E PACE NOTLARNo:11 |