The Work of WHO in the European Region

Kitap : The Work of WHO in the European Region

Yazar : * --

Dil : Türkçe

Bölüm : Sivil Toplum Kuruluşları

Yayın Yeri : Copenhagen

ISBN : 92 890 1055 X

Yayın Tarihi : 1988

Yayıncı : World Health Organization WHO

Orijinal Dil : İngilizce

Tür : Rapor

Kitap No : 8931



1. Regional policy development, evaluation and programme management
General programme management and development
Coordination with countries
Health information of the public
Support programmes
General administration and services
Budget and finance
Staff development and training
Epidemiology and statistic

2. Health for all in Europe by the year 200
Target 1. Equity in health
Target 2. Adding life to years
The elderly
Target 3. Better opportunities for the disabled
Health legislation
Community - based rehabilitation
Target 4. Reducing disease and disability
Disability prevention
Genetics services
Mental health
Communicable diseases
Oral health
Target 5. Eliminating seven specific diseases
Diseases preventable by immunization
Target 6. Life expectancy at birth
Target 7. Reducing infant mortality rates
Target 8. Reducing rates of manternal mortality
Target 9. Combating diseases of the circulatory system
Target 10. Combating cancer
Target 11. Reducing accidents
Accident prevention
Disaster preparedness
Target 12. Stopping the increase in suicides

3. Lifestyles conducive to health
Target 13. Healthy public policy
National health promotion policy
National alcohol policies
National drug policies
Target 14. Social support systems
Target 15. Knowledge and motivation for healthy behavior
Health education and health promotion
Sexuality and family planing
Target 16. Promoting positive health behaviour
Sexuality and family planing
Smoking and health
Target 17. Decreasing health - damaging behaviour
Drug abuse
Alcohol abuse

4. Healthy environment
Target 18. Policies for a healthy environment
Target 19. Monitoring, assessment and control of risks in the environment
Chemical hazards
New tchnologies
Nonionizing radiation
Lonizing radiation
Target 20. Water pollution
Mediterranean Action Plan
Target 21. Protection against air pollution
Target 22. Food safety
Target 23. Protection from hazardous wastes
Target 24. Healthy homes
Target 25. Healthy working conditions

5 Appropriate care
Target 26. A health care system based on primary health care
Health legislation
Target 27. Rational and preferential distribution of resources according to need
Health economics
Health service delivery and health institutions
Health care providers
Target 28. Content of primary health care
Target 29. Providers of primary health care
Target 30. Coordination of community resources for primary health care
Target 31. Ensuring the quality of services

6. Research and health development support
Target 32. Research and and health for all
Target 33. Policies for health for all
Collaboration with other organizations
Target 34. Management of planning and resource allocations
Target 35. Health information systems
Target 36. Planning, education and use of health personnel for health for all Fellowships
Target 37. Education of personnel in other sectors to support health for all
Target 38. Health technology assessment

7. Global programmes
Global Programme for accident prevention
Global programme for health of the elderly
Global programme for appropriate health care technology
Regional activities of inter regional scope

8. Country programmes
Health for all policies
Inequity in health, and disease prevention and control
Healthy lifestyles
Healthy environment
Appropriate care
Support for health development
Improving cooperative mechanisms

Annex 1. Active and non-active Member States of the world Health Organization European Region, 31 December 1987

Annex 2. Estimated populations in 1987 for the active Member States of the WHO European Region

Annex 3. Professional staff in the European Region, 31 December 1987

Annex 4. Organizational chart of the Regional office, 31 December 1987

Annex 5. Inter country meetings convened by the Regional Office for Europe, 1 January - 31 December 1987

Annex 6. WHO- sponsored courses in the European Region, or courses relevant to Regional Office programmes, 1987

Annex 7. List of WHO collaborating centres with which the Regional Office concluded plans of action covering the year 1987
