British Journal of Industrial Medicine 1989.6
İÇİNDEKİLERContentsEditorial New uses for old urine tests H SAVOLAINEN Histocompatibility antigens in a population based silicosis series KATHLEEN KREISS, J A DANILOVS, L S NEWMAN EEG findings in chlor-alkali workers subjected to low long term exposure to mercury vapour LEENA PIIKIVI, U TOLONEN PlacentaI transfer and tissue distribution of C-styrene: an autoradiographic study in mice R KISHI, Y KATAKURA, T OKUI. H OGAWA, T IKEDA, H MIYAKE Cancer mortality among workers in the Tuscan tanning industry A SENIORI COSTANTINI, E PACI, LUCIA MILIGI, EVA BUIATTI, CRISTINA MARTELLI, S LENZI Effects of water restriction and water loading on daily urinary excretion of heavy metals and organic substances in metal workers S ARAKI, H AONO Outcome of pregnancy in relation to irregular and inconvenient work schedules GÖSTA AXELSSON, RAGNAR RYLANDER, INGA MOLIN Semen quality in workers exposed to 2-ethoxyethanoI JENNIFER M RATCLIFFE, S M SCHRADER, D E CLAPP, W E HALPERIN, T W TURNER, R W HORNUNG Elimination of toluene from venous blood and adipose tissue after occupational exposure G NISE, R ATTEWELL, S SKERFVING, P 0RB/EK Endotoxin levels in farming: absence of symptoms despite high exposure levels ANNA RASK-ANDERSEN, P MALMBERG, MONICA LUNDHOLM Multiple sclerosis and occupational exposure to chemicals: a co-twin control study of a nationwide series of twins J JUNTUNEN, E KINNUNEN, M ANTTI-POIKA, M KOSKENVUO Occupational arthropathy: evidence from the past H A WALDRON, MARGARET cox Short reports Water could reduce the hazard of cancer from spirits E BOYLAND Lung cancer mortality among workers in a factory manufacturing chlorinated toluenes: 1961-84 T SORAHAN, M CATHCART Dyspepsia in coalminers and the general population: a comparative study J D HARRISON, D L MORRIS Correspondence Pulmonary fıbrosis in asbestos insulation workers with lung cancer W WEISS Incidence of cancer of the scrotum, 1971-84 T SORAHAN, M A COOKE, S WILSON Influence of design characteristics on the outcome of retrospective cohort studies GERAI.DINE V cox Chronic lung disease and occupational dust exposure D c F MUIR, S STOCK, H S SHANNON, A D OXMAN ASTM CODEN: BJIMAG 46(6) 361-432 (1989) ISSN 0007-1072 British Medical Association Tavistock Square London WC1 NOTLARNo:6 |