British Journal of Industrial Medicine 1989.5
İÇİNDEKİLERContentsEditorial Silica, silicosis, and lung cancer J C MCDONALD Respiratory symptoms and impairment in shipyard welders and caulker/burners J E COTES, E L FEINMANN, V J MALE, F S RENNIE, C A C WICKHAM Respiratory hazards in hard metal workers: a cross sectional study C MEYER-BISCH, Q T PHAM, J-M MUR, N MASSIN, J-J MOUL1N, D TECULESCU, B CARTON, F PIERRE, F BARUTHIO Respiratory disease mortality patterns among South African iron moulders F SITAS, ALLISON J DOUGLAS, E C WEBSTER Long term neurotoxicity of styrene. A quantitative study of glial fıbrillary acidic protein (GFA) and S-100 L E ROSENGREN. K G HAGLID Correlation of tissue, blood, and air partition coefficients of volatile organic chemicals SALLY PATERSON, D MACKAY Fathers' occupation and pregnancy outcome A D MCDONALD, J C MCDONALD, B ARMSTRONG, N M CHERRY, A D NOLIN, D ROBERT Job demands, job decision latitude, job support, and social network factors as predictors of mortality in a Swedish pulp and paper company N-E ASTRAND, B S HANSON, S-O ISACSSON Occupational exposure to zeranol, an animal growth promoter T C AW, A B SMITH, R L STEPHENSON, C J GLUECK Short reports Acute renal failure due to trichloroethylene poisoning N J DAVID, R WOLMAN, F J MILNE, I VAN NIEKERK Tea asthma: response to specific and non-specific challenges J LEWIS, w K c MORGAN Two cases of Streptococcus suis meningitis P E HAY, J G CUNNIFFE, G KRAMER, A J FRANCE, J A GRAY, B WATT Domestic asbestos exposure, lung fibre burden, and pleural mesothelioma in a housewife M HHNCHAREK, J V CAPOTORTO, J MUSCAPercutaneous absorption of methyl methacrylate by dental technicians R RAJANIEMI, P PFAFFLI, H SAVOLAINEN Correspondence Correlation between fibre content of lung and disease in east London asbestos factory workers R M RUDD Notices NOTLARNo:5 |