İÇİNDEKİLER1. INTRODUCTION2. METHODOLOGY 2.1. Single Decrement Life Tables 2.2. Multiple Decrement and Cause - Deleted Tables 2.3. Sampling Errors of the Estimates 2.4. Estimation from Retrospective Data (Methods I and II) 2.5. Estimation from Current Status Data (Method III) 3. APPLİCATIONS 3.1.Infant and Child Mortality 3.2. Age Patterns of Marriage and Marriage Dissolution 3.3. Pregnancy and Birth Intervals 3.4. Duration of Breastfeeding 3.5. Further Analysis REFERENCES APPENDIX I LIFE TABLE SURVIVAL RATES DERIVED FROM APPROXIMATE INTERVALS APPENDIX II RATE ESTIMATES FROM EVENTS IN THE INTERVIEW MONTH NOTLARNO: 6 |