British Journal of Industrial Medicine 1988.2
İÇİNDEKİLERContentsEditorial Danger: children at work H A WALDRON Exposure to asbestos and the risk of gastrointestinal cancer: a reassessment D A EDELMAN Pulmonary function in beryllium workers: assessment of exposure D KRIEBEL. NANCY L SPRINGE, ELLEN A EISEN, IA GREAVES Increasing evidence of the rise of cancer in workers exposed to vinylchloride V B SMCLEVICH, I V FEDOTOVA, V S FILATOVA Cause specific mortality among employees engaged in the manufacture, formulation, or packaging of 2.4-dichIorophenoxyacetic acid and related salts G G BOND, N H WETTERSTROEM, G J ROUSH, E A MCLAREN, T E LIPPS, R R COOK Aesthesiometric threshold changes over the course of a workshift in miners exposed to hand-arm vibration T HAINES, J CHONG, A B VERRALL, J JULIAN, C BERNHOLZ, R SPEARS, D C F MUIR Decrease of erythrocyte and glomerular membrane negative charges in chronic cadmium poisoning A M BERNARD, A OULED AMOR, R R LACWERYS Lung function in West Sussex firemen: a four year study K HORSFIELD, A R GUYATT, FIONA M COOPER, MAUREEN I BUCKMAN, G CUMMING Diverse manifestations of trichloroethylene R J MCCUNNEY Interactions of m-xylene and aspirin metabolism in man LYNN CAMPBELL, H KERR WILSON, A MARGARET SAMUEL, D GOMPERTZ 2.5-Hexanedione excretion after occupational exposure to n-hexane I AHONEN. R W SCHIMBERG NOTLARNo:2 |