British Journal of Industrial Medicine 1987.4
İÇİNDEKİLERContentsEditorial A benefit from mechanistic'research in toxicology M K JOHNSON Exposure to carbon disulphide and ischaemic heart disease in a viscose rayon factory P M SWEETNAM, S W C TAVLOR, P C ELWOOD Some peculiarities of the pulmonary phagocytotic response: dust retention kinetics and silicosis development during long term exposure of rats to high quartz dust levels L I PRIVALOVA, B A KATSNELSON, L N YELNICHNYKH Pregnant women's working conditions and their changes during pregnancy: a national study in France M J SAUREL-CUBIZOLLES, M KAMINSKI Choice of control population in studies of adverse reproductive effects of occupational exposures and its effect on risk estimates K SHEIKH A mortality study of nickel/chromium platers T SORAHAN, D C L BURGES, J A H WATERHOUSE Organic solvents and presenile dementia: a case referent study using death certificates R R O'FLYNN, S M MONKMAN, H A WALDRON Squamous cell cancer of the maxillary sinus in Hokkaido, Japan: a case-control study K FUKUDA, A SHIBATA, K HARADA Potential nephrotoxic effects of exposure to silver K D ROSENMAN, N SEIXAS, I JACOBS Coalworkers' pneumoconiosis: correlation between opacity profusion and number and type of dust lesions with special reference to opacity type JUNE M FERNIE, V ANNE RUCKLEY Incidence of cancer among vinyl chloride and polyvinyl chloride workers: further evidence for an association with malignant melanoma S STORETVEDT HELDAAS, A A ANDERSEN, S LANGARD Sister chromatid exchanges in rat pleural mesothelial cells treated with crocidolite, attapulgite or benzo 3-4 pyrene SOPHIE ACHARD, MYLENE PERDERISET, MARIE-CLAUDE JAURAND Conjugal exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) A FISCHBEIN, MARY S WOLFF Bright red blood of Bhopal victims? B NEMERY Chrysotile asbestos exposure and mesothelioma M HUNCHAREK Notices NOTLARNo:4 |