Perceptions Of Illness and Medical Practice
İÇİNDEKİLERPREFACE BY GEORGE PACKER BERRY, M.D. 5ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 9 Part One TRENDS AND CONCEPTS CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 13 CHAPTER 2. A CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK-I 32 CHAPTER 3. A CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK-II 65 Part Two DISEASE AND ITS INTERPRETATION CHAPTER 4. SYSTEMS OF BELIEFS AND ATTITUDES ABOUT DISEASE 91 CHAPTER 5. BELIEFS AND ATTITUDES ABOUT MENTAL DISEASE 13 Part Three THE PEOPLE WH0 TREAT DISEASE CHAPTER 6. THE PHYSICIAN 163 CHAPTER 7. DOCTOR-PATIENT RELATIONSHIPS 207 CHAPTER 8. THE NURSE 240 CHAPTER 9. THE MEDICAL SOCIAL WORKER 279 Part Four THE PLACE WHERE DISEASE ıs TREATED CHAPTER 10. THE HOSPITAL: AN ANALYSIS IN TERMS OF SOCIAL STRUCTURE 307 CHAPTER 11. HOSPITAL CULTURE AND PATIENT EXPECTATIONS 349 INDEX 395 Tobles I. Endorsement of Attitudinal Statements About Health, by Rcspondents in Occupation, Incomc, and Education Groups, NORc-HIF Study 124 2. Knowledge of Disease Symptoms, by Rcspondents in Occupa- tion, Income, and Education Groups, NORC-HIF Study 126 3. Student and Faculty Ratings of Prestige of Specialties, AAMG Study 185 4. Endorsement of Attitudinal Statements About Doctors, by Rcspondcnts in Occupation, Incomc, and. Education Groups, NORG-HIF Study 221 |