Genus Volume LIII -n. 1-2
İÇİNDEKİLERG. BERLINGUER, Popolazione, etica ed equitâ ....13S. TOUTAIN, Vieillissement et âge de laretraite ....37 E. BALDACCI, S. LUGARESI, Social expenditure and demographic evolution: a dynamic approach ......61 K. HIROSIMA, Projection of living iarrangements of the elderly in Japan. 1990-2010 ........ 79 P.C. SAXENA, D. v KUMAR, Dıßerential risk of mortality among pensioners after retirement in the state of Maharashtra, India .......... 113 B.N. BHATTACIJARYA, K.N.S. YADAVA, S.R.J. SINGH, G.S. YADAVA, probability distribution on the fertility of migrants: a model approach......... 129 H.R. MANNAN, Ejîects of loctation, contraception and otherfactors on birth interval in Bangladesh. evidence from the 1989 BFS ..........145 L.G. POL, Demographic methods in applied demography: an American perspective ........159 NOTE - NOTES - NOTES A. PANDEY, N.C. SAXENA, K.K. SINGH, Estimation of parity progression ratios from birth order statistics .....177 A.I. YAAKOUBD, La transition de fécondité au Maroc: faits et facteurs .........189 |