Genus Volume IL -n. 1-2

Kitap : Genus Volume IL -n. 1-2

Yazar : * --

Dil : İngilizce

Bölüm : Nüfusbilim

Yayın Yeri : Roma

Cilt : IL -n

Periyot : altı aylık

Yayın Tarihi : 1993

Yayıncı : Italian Committee for the Study of Population Problems

Orijinal Dil : İtalyanca

Tür : Süreli Yayın

Kitap No : 7840


G. CASELLI - L. CERBARA - G. LETI, The geography of adult
mortality: results from the fuzzy clumping method......... 1
LAURENCE GRUMMER-STRAWN-JAMES TRUSSELL, Computing the mean duration of breastfeeding from current-status.... 25
PIETRO MANFREDI, Logistic effects in the two-sex model with
harmonic mean fertility function.................... 43
JANOS IZSAK, Comparative analysis of death cause diversity curves in various ...... 67
TERESA CASTRO MARTIN, Changing nuptiality patterns in Contemporary Spain...... 79
o population and spending patterns in Canada. 1984 and 1986............... 97
MARGARET MICHALOWSKI, The elderly and international migration in Canada: 1971 and 1986........121
REINER HANS DINKEL - INA MILENOVIC, Male and female fertility: a comparison of age-specific and cohort fertility of both sexes in Germany.......... 147
JAN VAN REEK, mortality by social class among males in the Netherlands since the nineteenth centry........159
C.M. SUCHINDRAN- R. RAMAKUMAR - K. SATHI DEVI, Familyy size, sex composition of children and contraceptive use: a case study of Kerala..........165
EUGENE K. CAMPBELL, Family size preferences of men in the Western Area of Sierra Leone. Methods and determinants....181
ADEKUNBİ KEHİNDE OMIDEY, The emrgence of the nuclear family: its effect on women's roles and fertility change in Nigeria...201
Letter to the Editor: Reply of Jon Anson to Nathn Keyfitz and Antonio Golini comments ...217
NOTES ON AUTHORS..........223