Genus Volume XLVIII -n. 1-2

Kitap : Genus Volume XLVIII -n. 1-2

Yazar : * --

Dil : İngilizce

Bölüm : Nüfusbilim

Yayın Yeri : Roma

Cilt : XLVII

Periyot : altı aylık

Yayın Tarihi : 1992

Yayıncı : Italian Committee for the Study of Population Problems

Orijinal Dil : İtalyanca

Tür : Süreli Yayın

Kitap No : 7838


JON ANSON, The second dimension: a proposed measure of the rectangularity of nıortality cıtrves ..... 1
GUSTAVO DE SANTIS, standardized measure of the years spent in a given conjugal or marital state ...... 19
CORRADO BONIFAZI, Interregional migration and net migration:
comments on Italian case .........47
M. NABIL EL-KHORAZATY, Estimatioıı of fertility-inhibiting indices using vital registration data........ 69
MOHAMED A.A. MOUSSA - ALI M. ELA SAYED - THATTARUPARAMBIL N. SUGATHAN - MUSTAFA M. KHOGHALI - DHIRENDRA VERMA, Analysis of underlying and multiple-cause mortality data ..... 89
AKAM EVINA, İndicators for the measure of irfertility..107
DILIP C. NATH - JISHNU DATTA, An alternative to multiregional two- sex model..... 123
JAWAHAR R. RELE, Fertility levels and trends in South Asia: an prospects ......133
Tends in geographical dıferential mortality in Italy (1970-90).... 155
ANNE BABETTE WILS - DOUGLAS A. WOLF, Varieties of independent women in the Netherlands, 1982 ..... 183
NITAI C. DAS, Vital rates of India for intercensal period with declining fertility and declining mortality ....199
JANARDAN P. SINGH - DILIP KUMAR, A technical note on index of migration differentials .......... 217
BOOK REVİEW ............223
G. C. BLANGIARDO, Meno italiani piû problemi? (N. Federici)
A. ETCHELECOU, Transition démographique et systeme coutumier dans les identales (G. Dalla Zuanna)
F. ROSSİ (Acura di), La transizione demograjîca nel Veneto (A. De Rose)
NOTES ON AUTHORS..............237