Mainstreaming OSH into Business Management

Kitap : Mainstreaming OSH into Business Management

Yazar : * --

Dil : İngilizce

Bölüm : Sağlık-Güvenlik-Çevre

Yayın Yeri : İspanya

ISBN : 978-92-9191-298-8

Yayın Tarihi : 2010

Yayıncı : European Agency for Safety and Health at Work

Orijinal Dil : Türkçe

Tür : Kitap

Kitap No : 6851



1. General introduction

2. Literatüre revievv

2.1. İntroduction

2.1.1. Methodology

2.2. Structure

2.2.1. Systematic OSH management and OSH management systems

2.2.2. OSH, quality and environmental management

2.3. Culture

2.3.1. OSH Governance

2.3.2. Organisational culture and OSH

2.3.3. Organisational learning and OSH

2.4. Condusions

3. Policy overvievv

3.1. İntroduction

3.2. International and European policies and practices related to integrating OSH into overall business management..........................................................................

3.2.1. ILO policies

3.2.2. International guidance for the chemical industry: Responsible Care Programme

3.2.3. European policies

3.2.4. Standardisation and certification of OSH management systems

3.3. Examples of national programmes promoting and supporting systematic OSH management in companies

3.3.1. Implementing Systematic Work Environment Management (Systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete: SAM) in Svveden

3.3.2. Promoting ILO-OSH 2001 in France

3.3.3. Safety Management Implementation Programme (SMIP) in Poland

3.3.4. Promotion of integrated quality and OSH management by subsidised certification in the nursing and care sector in Germany

3.3.5. The SGM safety and health management system, Austria

3.3.6. Safe Enterprise Programme: an avvareness-raising and motivation campaign for OSH management systems in Slovakia

3.3.7. Promoting and funding OSH management systems in Luxembourg

3.3.8. Promotion of an OSH management system by financial support, financial incentives and guidelines in Italy

3.4. Examples of programmes on developing and promoting tools supporting OSH management

3.4.1. 'Risk Prevention and Health Protection in Adult Education' EDFORSA in Austria,

Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, France, Poland and Slovakia

3.4.2. Maîtrisk - softvvare for safety and health management in Luxembourg companies

3.4.3. STER - a computer system supporting safety and health management in Poland

3.4.4. Guidance to promote occupational health and safety management systems

a manual for OSH personnel in Spain

3.4.5. The Metatechnical Evaluation System in Belgium

3.5. Examples of programmes directed at supporting SMEs in OSH management

3.5.1. SME Risk Management Toolkit (PK-RH) in Finland and UK

3.5.2. Promoting occupational safety and health in the SME sector, in Poland

3.5.3. The CASA-Bauen guide for construction SMEs in Germany
3.6. Examples ofsector-specific programmes

3.6.1. Implementing the Responsible Care Programme in the Finnish chemical industry

3.6.2. A partnership for construction health (APaCHE) in the United Kingdom

3.7. Condusions

4. Casestudies

4.1. Introduction

4.2. Overvievv ofcases and snapshots

4.3. Examples of cases and snapshots focused on improvement of OSH management

4.3.1. Implementation of OSH management system in the Teofilow textile works (Poland)

4.3.2. Practical implementation of a comprehensive OSH management system for vvindmills

in a repair and maintenance company in Portugal

4.3.3. The safety management system in a vvaste management centre at SITA Sııd (France)

4.3.4. Achieving zero accidents in a plasterboard wall factory (Germany)

4.3.5. The health and safety management system of Bayer CropScience Villefranche (France)

4.3.6. OSH as an integral part of the general management system at Grindeks pharmaceuticals (Latvia)

4.3.7. Improving safety management at Helsinki Water (Finland)

4.3.8. 'Because we are not as Strong as our products... OSH is a priority' - an integrated approach to OSH management at ArcelorMittal Steel (Poland)

4.3.9. Sustainability and OSH Management, Global Reporting Initiative, Sandvik AB (Svveden)

4.3.10. SME introduces the SGM System of the Austria Social Accident Insurance (Austria)

4.4. Examples of cases and snapshots focused on integration of OSH, environmental and guality programmes...

4.4.1. OSH management in a supermarket chain (Germany)

4.4.2. Establishment of an integrated Ouality, Safety and Environment management system

for industrial vvaste land redamation at Apinor (France)

4.4.3. İmplementation of an İntegrated Management System (Ouality, Environment, Safety

and Health) in Vienna's Municipal Department (Austria)

4.4.4. Embedding safety in the company's core business: the 'Stuck Pipeline' case (Netherlands)

4.4.5. Corporate Social Responsibility and Total Ouality Management in an SME (Finland)

4.5. Examples of cases and snapshots focused on integration of employees' health management into general management

4.5.1. Project AddHealth (Austria)

4.5.2. VVorkplace health promotion at Ceskâ rafinerskâ oil refinery (Czech Republic)

4.6. Examples of cases focused on safety culture and human resources management

4.6.1. Partners in Safety at Corus Htd (the Netherlands)

4.6.2. A joint vision for Human Resources Management and VVelfare at Work (Belgium)

4.6.3. 'OurTime' - a work-life balance project, Inland Revenue (UK)

4.7. Analysis and discussion of the cases

4.8. Condusions

5. General condusions

5.1. Literatüre Revievv Summary

5.2. Policy Overvievv Summary

5.3. Case Studies Report Summary.

6. References

7. List of acronyms