OSH in Figures: Work-related Musculoskeletal disorders in the EU-Facts and Figures

Kitap : OSH in Figures: Work-related Musculoskeletal disorders in the EU-Facts and Figures

Yazar : * --

Dil : İngilizce

Bölüm : Sağlık-Güvenlik-Çevre

Yayın Yeri : İspanya

ISSN : 1830-5954

Yayın Tarihi : 2010

Yayıncı : European Agency for Safety and Health at Work

Orijinal Dil : Türkçe

Tür : Süreli Yayın

Kitap No : 6848


Table of Contents

List of Figures and tables


Executive Summary

What are work-related musculoskeletal disorders?

Musculoskeletal disorders — the extent of the problem

Self-reported MSDs

Accidents at work linked to MSDs risk factors (e.g. lifting of loads)

Absenteeism linked to musculoskeletal disorders

Costs of MSDs

Risk factors for MSDs

Some key findings highlighted


1. Introduction

2. Defining the problem

3. Health problems

3.1. Musculoskeletal disorders - the overall European picture

3.1.1. Self-reported MSDs

3.1.2. Self-reported MSDs - Variations betvveen Member States

3.1.3. Recognised cases of MSDs: European Occupational Disease Statistics (EODS)..

3.2. Musculoskeletal disorders - Data by gender

3.2.1. Self-reported MSDs

3.2.2. Recognised occupational diseases - gender differences

3.3. Databyage

3.3.1. Self-reported MSDs

3.4. Data by sector

3.4.1. Self-reported MSDs

3.4.2. Recognised cases of MSDs

3.5. Data byoccupation

3.5.1. Self-reported MSDs by occupation

3.5.2. Recognised cases of MSDs in specific occupations

3.6. Data by employment status

3.6.1. Self-reported MSDs

3.7. Musculoskeletal disorders - Data from the Member States

3.7.1. Scoreboard 2005 (Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Netherlands, Ireland, UK)

3.7.2. Austria

3.7.3. Belgium
3.7.4. Cyprus

3.7.5. Czech Republic

3.7.6. Denmark

3.7.7. Finland

3.7.8. France

3.7.9. Germany

3.7.10. Greece

3.7.11. Ireland

3.7.12. Latvia

3.7.13. Netherlands

3.7.14. Poland

3.7.15. Portugal

3.7.16. Slovenia

3.7.17. Spain

3.7.18. Svveden

3.7.19. United Kingdom

4. Costs ofvvork-related musculoskeletal disorders

5. Risk factors of vvork-related MSDs

5.1. European data sources

5.1.1. Self-reported exposure to MSDs risk factors

5.1.2. Gender, jobs and vvorking conditions in the European Union

5.1.3. MSDs risk factors and gender

5.1.4. MSDs risk factors and age

5.1.5. MSDs risk factors and industrial sector

5.1.6. MSDs risk factors and occupation

5.1.7. Self-employed workers

5.1.8. Summary: Groups at risks

5.2. Data from the Member States

5.2.1. ESWC data - Overvievv by country and risk factor

5.2.2. Czech Republic

5.2.3. Finland

5.2.4. France

5.2.5. Germany

5.2.6. Hungary

5.2.7. Poland

5.2.8. Spain

5.3. More studies and initiatives - Combined exposures and organisational MSDs risk factors

5.3.1. Time constraints at work and health risks in Europe (EU)

5.3.2. Return to work after long-term sickness absence (United Kingdom)

5.3.3. Temporary Agency work (Germany, SUGA 2006)

5.3.4. Upper limb disorders in keyboard vrorkers (UK)

5.3.5. Periarticular disorders of the upper limbs and sector (France)

. 5.3.6. MSDs in cali centres (Svveden)

5.3.7. VVork-related musculoskeletal symptoms reported by female flight attendants on long-haul flights (USA)

5.3.8. Influence of low job control on MSDs - Analysis of sickness absence data (Germany)

5.3.9. The importance of variation of tasks and control över the speed of vvork -

The "BİT" follovv up study on office vvorkers (Denmark)

5.3.10. Horizon scanning: Televvorkers and the trend to mobile vvorkplaces (United Kingdom)

5.4. Europe-wide initiatives

5.4.1. SLIC manual handling campaign

5.4.2. MSDs in the telecommunication sector

5.4.3. European agreement of the agricultural social partners concerning musculoskeletal disorders

6. Condusions

6.1. Self-reported health problems and recognised cases of MSDs
6.2. Accidents at work linked to MSDs risk factors (e.g. lifting of loads)

6.3. Absenteeism linked to musculoskeletal disorders

6.4. Risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders - impact of vvorking conditions

6.5. Recommendations

6.5.1. Prevention and inspection

6.5.2. Recognition and monitoring

6.5.3. Rehabilitation and return-to-work-strategies

7. Legislation

8. Methodology

8.1. Administrative data sources

8.1.1. Occupational diseases

8.1.2. Occupational accidents

8.1.3. Inspections

8.2. Surveys

8.2.1. Labour Force Survey

8.2.2. Surveys on vvork-related diseases and vvorking conditions

8.2.3. European Survey of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks (ESENER)

8.2.4. Additional sources

8.3. Comparabilityofdata

9. Acknovvledgements (Agency)