Yokohama Strategy and Plan of Action For a Safer World
İÇİNDEKİLERPrefaceYokohama Message Yokohama Strategy and Plan of Action Introduction I. Principles A. Basis for the Strategy B. Assessment of the status of disaster reduction midvvay into the Decade C. Strategy for the Year 2000 and beyond II. Plan of Action A. Recommendations for action Activities at the community and national levels Activities at the regional and subregional levels Activities at the international level, in particular through bilateral arrangements and multilateral cooperation B. Proposals to the Conference III. Follow-up Action Aboutthe International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction NOTLARGuidelines for Natuarl Disater Prevention, Preparendness and Mitigation World Conference on Natural Disaster Reduction -yokohama,japan. 23-27 May 1994 |