Medical Ethics and Medical Education
İÇİNDEKİLERINTRODUCTION - Alfred GellhornINTRODUCTION - Alfred Gellhorn KEYNOTE ADDRESS - Hector Acufia PROPOSITOS DE LA CONFERENCIA - Hector Acufia FIRST SESSION: ETHICAL REVIEW OF CLINICAL RESEARCH - Ethical issues in human experimentation - John Ladd - The value and limitations of ethical review committees for clinical research - Robert J. Levine - Ethical issues in gastroenterology - Francisco Vilardell - Ethical review procedures for research involving human subjects - John F. Dunne DISCUSSION - DISCUSION Adolfo Martinez Palomo; Riis; Farber; Kimura; Gomaa; Miller; Noach; Levine; Ladd; Vilardell; Dunne. SECOND SESSION: ETHICAL REVIEW OF CLINICAL RESEARCH - Clinical research and the protection of the subject in Argentina - Santiago Pavlovsky - An experience of protection of the research subject and clinical research in Chile - Oscar Brunser - Etica de la investigacion en pediatria - Jesus Kumate - Ethical issues in research on women - Hildegard Stoltz - Puntos de vista de las Academias Nacionales de Medicina respecto a la revision etica de la investigacion clinica - Alberto Cardenas Escovar DISCUSSION - DISCUSION Towers; De Wachter; Farber; Ladd; Siegler; Riis; Robbins; Levine; Gellhorn. THIRD SESSION: MEDICAL ETHICS IN MEDICAL EDUCATION - La ensenanza de la etica en las escuelas de medicina - Octavio Rivero Serrano - A concept of professional ethics in medical education - Edmund D. Pellegrino EnseHanza de la etica medica en Venezuela -Augus to Leon - The teaching of medical ethics in Brazil - Murillo Belchior - Medical ethics instruction for medical students in the clinical years - Mark Siegler Crucial points of ethical concern in psychiatry - Peter Berner DISCUSSION - DISCUSION Ruben Vasconcelos; Kimura; Zetterstrom; Riis; McCarthy; Levine; Towers; Gomaa; De Wachter; Siegler; McElhinney. FOURTH SESSION: MEDICAL EDUCATION AND GOVERNMENT - Educacion medica y gobierno - Carlo Campillo Sainz - La necesidad de una colaboracion efectiva entre la educacion medica y el servicio de salud - Jose Roberto Ferreira - The National Health Service Corps of the United States of America - Fitzhugh Mullan Training physicians in health policy and management - Howard H. Hiatt DISCUSSION - DISCUSION Ladd; Farber; Towers; Riis; Gomaa. FINAL SUMMARY - Alfred Gellhorn RESUMEN FINAL - Alfred Gellhorn CLOSING REMARKS - Murillo Belchior Membership of the Conference |