Occasional Papers No:10

Kitap : Occasional Papers No:10

Yazar : * --

Dil : İngilizce

Bölüm : Nüfusbilim

Yayın Yeri : London

Periyot : aylık

Yayın Tarihi : Temmuz 1974

Yayıncı : World Fertility Survey

Tür : Süreli Yayın

Kitap No : 6126


Foreword by Sir Maurice Kendall
List of Selected Works in English (Chpts. 1-5)
1. General works, bibliographies
1.1 General works
1.2 Introductions to fertility and population problems
1.3 Bibliographies
2. Survey methodology
2.1 General works
2.2 Questionnaires, interviewing, coding
3. Methodology of estimating and analysing fertility
4. Fertility analysis and reports on KAP surveys
4.1 General works
4.2 Africa
4.3 Asia
4.4 Developed countries
4.5 Latin America
4.6 Other references
5. Fertility limitation
5.1 Birth control
5.2 Family planning and population programmes
6. Bibliographic annotee Introduction
Liste d'ouvrages
6.1 Ouvrages generaux
6.2 Methodologie d'enquete
6.3 Methodologie d'estimation et d'analyse de la fecondite
6.4 Rapports d'analyse de la fecondite et d'enquete du CAP
6.5 Regulation de la fecondite
7. Bibliograf ia anotada
Lista de trabajos
7.1 Trabajos generates
7.2 La metodologia de las encuestas
7.3 La metodologia de la estimation y del analisis de la fecundidad
7.4 Analisis de Ia fecundidad e informes de encuestas tipo CAP
7.5 La regulation de la fecundidad
List of abbreviations List of periodicals List of institutions List of publishers
Author index


GYÖRGY T. ACSADI/ A Selected Bibliyography of Works on Fertility