İÇİNDEKİLERTABLE OF CONTENTS / TABLE DES MATIERESMEMBERSHIP / MEMBRES . In memoriam: Alfred Sauvy IUSSP ACTIVITIES / ACTIVITES DE L'UNION 1. Committees and working groups/Commissions et groupes de travail , Committee on gender and population . Forthcoming IUSSP seminars/Calendrier des seminaires de I'UIESP . Travel grants for junior demographers/Bourses de voyage reser-vees aux jeunes demographes 2. Conferences/ Congres . European Population Conference, Paris, France, 21-25 October Id91/Congres europeen de demographie, Paris, France, 21-25 octobre 1991 . Conference on the Peopling of the Americas, Veracruz, Mexico, March-April 1992/Congres sur le peupfement des Ameriques, Veracruz, Mexico, mars-avril 1992 . XXIInd General Population Conference, Montreal, Canada, 25 August to 1 September 1993/XXile Congres international de fa population, Montreal, Canada, du 25 aout au 1er septembre 1993 TEACHING PROGRAMMES IN DEMOGRAPHY / PROGRAMMES D'ENSEI-CNEMENT EN DEMOGRAPHIE CURRENT ITEMS / ACTUALITES . Forthcoming meetings /Reunions onnoncees . Reports on meetings where IUSSP was represented/Comptes rendus de reunions ou I'UIESP fut representee CONFERENCE ON THE TRANSITION OF FERTILITY IN LATIN AMERICA, Buenos Aires, Argentina, April 3-6, 1990, report by Lucia Mayumi Yaxaki |