İÇİNDEKİLERHarmonization Vs deregulationThe revision of the Machinery Directive - Part Market supervision: two Finnish cases in the EC] CHEMICAL AGENTS REACH: first reading verdict "could do better" European chemicals and worker protection seminar MSD AND STANDARDlSATION "Ergonomic" standards in biomechanics: an examination of the draft standard on repetitive movements (prEN 1005-5) Ionizing radiation: what does it mean for workers'health? The health effects of low-dose ionizing radiation - New epidemiological results -and perspectives Radiological protection of outside workers France: nuclear industry subcontractors still at risk US/EU: VPPs, a dangerously misleading charm offensive WOMEN, HEALTH AND WORK Italy: trade union action-oriented research into occupational diseases Women, health, work": 4th World Congress in New Delhi Former asbestos cement workers search for justice NEWS IN BRİEF PUBLICATIONS |