Journal of European Social Policy

Kitap : Journal of European Social Policy

Yazar : * --

Dil : İngilizce

Bölüm : Sosyal Politika

Yayın Yeri : USA

ISSN : 0958-9287

Cilt : 11-1

Yayın Tarihi : Şubat 2001

Yayıncı : Sage Publications

Orijinal Dil : Türkçe

Tür : Süreli Yayın

Kitap No : 4944


Volume 11 Number I February 2001
Editorial □ Ian Gough and Emma Carmel Articles
Class, individualism and the Finnish welfare state Q Heikki Ervasti Protective Europe: does it exist for people with mental disorders? □ Pauline M. Prior
Social consequences of unemployment: an East-West comparison □ Duncan Gallie, Dobrinka
Kostova and Pavel Kuchar
A (modest) proposal for expanding social citizenship in the European Union □ Philippe C. Schmitter and Michael W. Bauer
European Briefing
Digest by Cecile Barbier, Caroline de la Porte and Philippe Pochet
Book Reviews
Guy Standing, Global Labour Flexibility: Seeking Distributive Justice □ Reviewed by Bill Jordan
Robert E. Goodin, Bruce Headey, Ruud Muffels and Henk-Jan Dirvan, The Real Worlds of Welfare Capitalism □ Reviewed by Robert Walker
Lutz Leisering and Stephan Leibfried, Time and Poverty in Western Welfare States: United Germany in Perspective □ Reviewed by Christopher Heady
Jochen Clasen, Arthur Gould and Jill Vincent, Voices Within and Without. Responses to Long-term Unemployment in Germany, Sweden and Britain □ Reviewed by Werner Sesselmeier
Klaus-Dirk Henke (ed.), Offentliche Finanzen zivischen Wachstum und Distribution [Public Finances between Growth and Distribution] □ Reviewed by Frank Nullmeier
Paul Littlewood, Ignace Glorieux, Sebastian Herkommer and Ingrid Joensson (eds), Social Exclusion in Europe: Problems and Paradigms □ Reviewed by Tiziana Alti and Maurizio Ferrera