Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health
İÇİNDEKİLERCONTENTS — volume 31, no 2, 2005Editorial Use of routinely collected occupational exposure data in register-based studies—a trade off betvveen feasibility and misclassification Kogevinas M, HagmarL Orginal articles Indicators of mancozeb exposure in relation to thyroid cancer and neural tube defects in farmers' families Nordby K-C, Andersen A, Irgens LM, Kristensen P National job-exposure matrix in analyses of census-based estimates of occupational cancer risk Pukkala E, Guo J, Kyyrönen P, Lindbohm M-L, Salimen M, Kauppinen T Time to pregnancy among Danish laboratory technicians who were a part of the National Birth Cohort. ZhuJL, Knudsen LE, Nybo Andersen A-M, Hjollund NH, OlsenJ Radiologically recognized pleural changes in nonpneumoconiotic silica-exposed coal miners Orriols R, MunozX, SunyerJ, Isidro I, Tura JM, FerrerJ Risk factors for persistent elbow, forearm and hand pain among computerworkers Lassen CF, Mikkelsen S, KrygerAI, Andersen JH Risk factors for visiting a medical department because of upper-extremity musculoskeletal disorders WernerRA, FranzblauA, GelI N, Hartigan aAG, Ebersole M, Armstrong TJ Task-based estimation of mechanical job exposure in occupational groups Mathiassen SE, Nordander C, Svendsen SW, Wellman HM, Dempsey PG Effect of aging on performance, muscle activation and perceived stress during mentally demanding computer tasks Alkjaer T, Pilegaard M, Bakke M, Jensen BR Case report Occupational relevance of subclavian vein thrombosis in association with thoracic outlet syndrome Fiorentini C, Mattioli S, Graziosi F, Bonfiglioli R, Armstrong TJ, Violante FS Announcements |