Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health
İÇİNDEKİLEREditorialReversed causality—a need to revisit systems modeling of vvork-stress-health relationships Kalimo R Orginal articles Different mechanisms to explain the reversed effects of mental health on work characteristics de LangeA, Taris TW, Kompier MAJ, Houtman ILD, Bongers PM Disentangling the causal relationships betvveen work-home interference and employee health van HooffMLM, Geurts SAE, Taris TW, Kompier MAJ, Dikkers JSE, Houtman ILD, van den Heuvel FMM Total mortality and cause-specific mortality of Svvedish shift- and dayvvorkers in the pulp and paper industry in 1952-2001 Karlsson B, Alfredsson L, Knutsson A, Andersson E, Tören K Cancer in the Norwaaegian printing industry Kvam BMN, Romundstad PR, Boffetta P Andersen A Impairment of lung function in asbestos-exposed vvorkers in relation to high-resolution computed tomography Piirilâ P Lindqvist M, Huuskonen O, Kaleva S, Koskinen H, Lehtola H, Vehmas T, Kivisaari L, SovijârviARA Nasal mucosal histamine reactivity among teachers six years after working in a moisture-damaged school Rudblad S, Andersson K, Bodin L, Stridh G, Juto J-E Methacholine bronchial responsiveness and variations in lung function among vvorkers exposed to flour Choudat D, Bensefa L, Causse-Sounillac E, Conso F Assessment of exposure to wheat flour and the shape of its relationship with specific sensitization Peretz C, de Pater N, de Monchy J, Oostenbrink J, HeederikD Impact of smoking policy on the respiratory health of food and beverage servers Dimich-Ward H, Lavvson J, Hingston A, Chan-Yeung M Announcements Amendments and corrections |