Newsletter-Bulletin de liaison-1990
İÇİNDEKİLERTABLE OF CONTENTS / TABLE DES MAT IE RESPREFACE, by /par Allan G. Hill MEMBERSHIP / MEMBRES . In memoriam IUSSP ACTIVITIES / ACTIVITES DE L'UNION 1. Committees and working gToups/Commisslons et groupes de travail . Committee on policy and population in LDCs . Forthcoming IUSSP seminars/Calendrier des seminaires de I'UIESP . Travel grants for junior demographers/Boursesde voyage reser-vees aux jeunes demographes 2. Conferences/Congres . European Population Conference, Paris, France, 21-25 October 1991/Congres europeen de demographic Paris, France. 21-25 octobre 1991 . Conference on the Peopling of the Americas, Veracruz, Mexico, March-April 1992/Congres sur le peuplement des Ameriques, Veracruz, Mexico, mars-avril 1992 3. Training aetivitiesActıvıtes de formation . Stage de perfectionnement en demographie et planification de la sante, Lome, Togo, 29 janvier-17 fevrier 1990 . Training workshop on demographic surveys (for English-speaking demographers from Eastern and Southern Africa), Harare, Zimbabwe, 7-26 January 1991 TEACHING PROGRAMMES IN DEMOGRAPHY / PROGRAMMES D'ENSEI-CNEMENT EN DEMOCRAPHIE CURRENT ITEMS / ACTUALITES . Awards/Prix . Job opportunities/Vacances de poste SURVEY OF PARTICIPANTS AT THE IUSSP XXIst GENERAL CONFERENCE, New Delhi, Septembre 1989 (by John Pollard, Member of the Council) / ENQUETE AUPRES DES PARTICIPANTS DU XXIe CONCRES GENERAL DE L'UIESP, La Nouvelle Delhi, septembre 1989 (par John Pollard, membre du Conseil) |