İÇİNDEKİLERTABLE OF CONTENTS / TABLE DBS MATIERESI. MEMBERSHIP / MEMBRES - In Memoriam II. IUSSP ACTIVITIES [July-December 1987) ACTiVITES DE L'UNION (Juillet-desembre 1987} . Committee on family demography and life cycle/Commission de la demographle de la famille et du cycle familial . Committee1 on anthropological demography and Committee on comparative mortality changes/Commission anthropologie et demographic et Commission sur les variations comparees de la mortalite . Travel grants for junior demographers Bourses de voyage reseryees aux /eunes demographes III. FORTHCOMING 1USSF ACTIVITIES ACTIVITES FUTURES DE fVIESP . Forthcoming IUSSP seminars Colndrier des seminaires de I'UIESP Other seminars In preparation seminaires en preparation Conference on women's position and demographic change In the course of development, Asker (Norway), 15-18 June 1388 Sitr le stotut de la femme et I'evoluthn demographique dans le contexle rfu devetoppement, Asker (Norvege) 15-18 luin1988 Regional African population conference^ Dakar -Senegal, 7-12 November ISSS/Congres regional afrcain de population. Dakar, Senegal, 7-12 novembre 1988 XXIst IUSSP internatlonal population conference, New Delhi, India, 18-25 October 1989/XXIe congres international de la population. La NouVelle Delhi, 18-25 octobre 1987 ACTIVITIES organized with the spon-soRship of iussp ACTIVITES ORCANISEES AVEC LE PARRAlNAGE DE L'VIESP . Summer school in historical demography V. CURRENT ITEMS /ACTUALITES . Forthcoming meetings Reunions annoncees . Competition/ Concours . Training/Formation . Job opportunities/Vacances de paste . Positions wanted/ Demandes /J'emplol . Publications |