The Role Of The Primary Physician In Health Services

Kitap : The Role Of The Primary Physician In Health Services

Dil : Türkçe

Bölüm : Sosyal Hekimlik

Yayın Yeri : Copenhagen

Yayın Tarihi : Haziran 1970

Yayıncı : World Health Organization WHO

Tür : Rapor

Kitap No : 4147


1. Introduction
1. 1 Opening session
1.2 Terms of reference
1. 3 Organization of the work of the Conference
1.4 The report
2. Some definitions
3. Summary and conclusions
4. Present-day conditions
4.1 Situation in Europe
4.2 Generalist or specialist
4.3 Single-handed versus group practice
4.4 Present-day needs
4.5 The patients' views and expectations
5. The primary physician and the community
5. 1 The functions of the primary physician
5.2 Inter-relationships and collaboration
5.3 Public health activities
5. 3.1 Maternal and child health
5.3.2 Communicable diseases
5. 3. 3 Psychiatric and emotional problems
5.3.4 Care of the elderly
5.4 The extent of public health activities 5. 5 The family doctor6. The primary physician and hospitals
6.1 Service on a hospital staff
6. 2 Hospital/primary physician relationships
6. 3 The educational role of hospitals
6. 4 Laboratory and diagnostic aid
7. The primary physician: epidemiology, research and evaluation
7.1 Statistics and epidemiology
7.2 Research
8. The primary physician and the multidisciplinary team
8.1 Teamwork in primary practice
8.1.1 Delegation of duties
8.1.2 Leadership
8. 2 Organization of the multidisciplinary practice
8. 2.1 The community team 8.2.2 Results
8.3 The main obstacles
8.4 Evaluation
9. The education of the primary physician
9.1 Inadequacy of present-day education
9. 2 New trends
9. 3 Postgraduate education and training 9.4 Training for primary practice 9. 5 Continuing education
ANNEX I Organization of primary care - Dr J.F. Lowe
ANNEX II Needs and demands of the present-day community
for primary medical care - Dr B. M. Kleczkowski
ANNEX III The role of the primary physician in the health services of Europe today - Dr A. Smith
ANNEX IV Community and public health functions of primary physicians - WHO Secretariat
ANNEX V Bibliography on general practitioner services
ANNEX VI List of working documents
ANNEX VII Programme
ANNEX VIII List of participants