Joint OSH strategy for the enlarged Europe

Kitap : Joint OSH strategy for the enlarged Europe

Dil : İngilizce

Bölüm : Sağlık-Güvenlik-Çevre

Yayın Yeri : Brussels

Cilt : 22-23

Yayın Tarihi : Nisan 2004

Yayıncı : The European Trade Union Technical Bureau For Health And Safety (TUTB)

Tür : Süreli Yayın

Kitap No : 3866



European trade unionism
in an enlarged Europe, Marc Sapir
Regulation of the working environment in the new accession States of the enlarged Union, Charles Woolfson
What next for OSH in the Czech Republic ?, Milos Palecek
Health and safety protection of workers in Poland, Iwona Pdwlaczyk
Occupational safety and health in Germany pre European law reform -status and shortcomings,
Marina Schroder
Occupational health policies in Spain : problems, actions and priorities, Joan Benach, Marcelo AmahSe, Maria Menendez, Carles Muntaner
Developments in preventive systems across the European Union,
Laurent VogeL
The state of play. Trends and needs in the accession countries, Viktor Kempa
Analysis of national occupational health and safety policies, Andrew Watterson and Corneliu Constantinoaia
Analysis of preventive OSH services,
MiroslaV Cikrt
National arrangements for workers' health and safety representatives,
Claudio Stanzani and Viktor Kempa
Paving the road to enlargement,
European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
The European Agency's work with Accceding and Candidate Countries,
Eusebio Rial-Gonzalez
and Brenda O'Brien
The New Member Countries : problems or catalysts ?,
Andras Bekes
Beyond transposition : Challenges for safety and health at work in the enlarged Europe, Charles Woolfson