Population Studies A Journal of Demography

Kitap : Population Studies A Journal of Demography

Dil : İngilizce

Bölüm : Nüfusbilim

Yayın Yeri : London

ISSN : 0032-4728

Cilt : 58/1

Periyot : üç aylık

Yayın Tarihi : 2004

Yayıncı : Routledge

Kitap No : 3855


Susan E. SHORT and Fengyu Use of maternal health services in rural China ZHANG
Jihong LIU, Ulla LARSEN Factors affecting adoption in China, 1950-87 and Grace WYSHAK
Zeng Yi and James W. Association oflate childbearing with healthy longevity among the
VAUPEL oldest-old in China
Judith BANISTER and Mortality in China 1964-2000
Kenneth HILL
Francesco BILLARI, Tomas Discussion of paper 'Explanations of the fertility crisis in modern
FREJKA, John HOBCRAFT, societies: A search for commonalities', Population Studies 57(3):
Miloslav MACURA and Dirk 241-263, by John Caldwell and Thomas Schindlmayr J.VAN DE KAA
John C. CALDWELL and Reply to the discussion of our paper 'Explanations of the fertility crisis
Thomas SCHİNDLMAYR in modern societies: A search for commonalities'
Jan VAN BAVEL Deliberate birth spacing before the fertility transition in Europe:
Evidence from nineteenth-century Belgium
Henriette ENGELHARDT, Fertility and vvomen's employment reconsidered: A macrö-level Tomas KÖGEL and Alexia time-series analysis for developed countries, 1960-2000 PRSKAWETZ
Zhongwei ZHAO The Far Eastern pattern of mortality is not a unique regional mortality
model: A reply to Noreen Goldman
Erratum Book reviews
Books and publications received "Notes for authors