Population English Selection-1990

Kitap : Population English Selection-1990

Dil : İngilizce

Bölüm : Nüfusbilim

Yayın Yeri : Paris

ISSN : 0032-4663

Cilt : 2

Periyot : aylık

Yayıncı : Instıtut National Detudes Demographiques

Kitap No : 3758


G. calot
J.C. chesnais, S. wang
P. faroues
N. bonneuil
J. wilmoth, J. vallin, G. caselli
A. monnier
F. prioux
A. blum, J. houdaille, M. lamouche
E. lelievre
A. monnier
- Foreword
Population ageing, retirement policy and living conditions of the elderly in China. (Population, 1989, 4-5).......
Food Security and Rural Development: the Seventh World Congress for Rural Sociology (Population, 1989,3 and 4-5)
Population growth and income growth during the demographic transition: does a Malthusian model help explain their relationship? (Population, 1989, 3)___
Subsistence crop deficit and family structure in sub-Saharan Africa (Population, 1989, 3) ...............
Contextual and structural factors in fertil­ity behaviour.(Population, 1989, 1)...
When does a cohort's mortality differ from what we might expect? (Population, 1989, 2) ...............
The effects of family policies in the German Democratic Republic: a re-evaluation. (Population, 1989, 2)
Fertility and family size in Western Eu­rope. (Espace, Populations, Societes 1989,2) ..........................
Mortality differentials in France during the late 18th and early 19th centuries (Population, 1989, 1) ..............
Residential mobility in France and in Paris since 1945: the history of a cohort (Population, 1989, 3) ..............
Repertory of the demographic surveys conducted in metropolitan France. (Revue Frangaise de Sociologie, 1989, 2)
The demographic situation of Europe and the developed countries overseas: an an­nual report. (Population, 1990,4-5) ............