Radiological Examination of Drinking-Water
İÇİNDEKİLERCONTENTS 1. Summary............. 2. Introduction........... 3. Drinking-water defined..... 4. Basic considerations...... 5. Sources of radiation exposure 6. Radionuclides of interest. . . . 6.1 Naturally-occurring radionuclides. 6 2 Man-made radionuclides...... 6.3 Gross radioactivity......... 6.4 Indicator radionuclides....... 6.5 Radon................ 6.6 Tritium................ 7. Calculation of derived levels of alpha and beta activhy in drinking-water . . . 7.1 Calculated concentrations in water based on annual intake levels..... 8. Other problem areas................................. 9. Conclusions...................................... 10. Recommendations.................................. References.......................................... Annex I Procedures for sampling and analysis of radon-222............ Annex II Revision of the WHO standards for drinking-water............ Annex III List of subgroup members.......................... Annex IV List of participants.............................. |