The Veterinary Contribution to Public Health Practice

Kitap : The Veterinary Contribution to Public Health Practice

Dil : İngilizce

Bölüm : Sosyal Hekimlik

Yayın Yeri : Geneva

ISBN : 92 4 120573 3

Yayın Tarihi : 1975

Yayıncı : World Health Organization WHO

Tür : Rapor

Kitap No : 3657


1. The purposes and scope of veterinary public health............
2. The principal functions and fields of activity of public health veterinarians . .
2.1 Activities usually undertaken by veterinary public health units
2.2 Other services performed by public health veterinarians........
2.3 Aspects of veterinary research and services to which veterinary public health units can provide access..................
2.4 Some emerging veterinary activities of importance to human health . . .
3. Organization, administration, and implementation of veterinary public health services and programmes
3.1 Establishing objectives and priorities................
3.2 The liaison role
3.3 Administrative relationships...................
3.4 Modern management methods..................
3.5 Implementation.........................
4. Manpower development and utilization.................
4.1 Undergraduate education..........
4.2 Postgraduate education.....................
4.3 Specialized postgraduate education .
4.4 Continuing education......................
4.5 Training of auxiliaries and their utilization.............
4.6 Manpower utilization......................
5. International and regional aspects...................
5.1 Regional programmes......................
5.2 Research and training centres in veterinary public health.......
6. Recommendations..........................
Annex 1. Veterinary Public Health Services in the County Department of Health, Los Angeles, California....................
Annex 2. Modern management methods in veterinary public health.....
Annex 3.Veterinary public health activities at various levels of government in the Federal Republic of Germany................
Annex 4. High priority areas for training in veterinary public health on a regional and country basis.......................
Annex 5. The Pan American Zoonoses Center...............