Food and Nutrition Strategies in National Development

Kitap : Food and Nutrition Strategies in National Development

Dil : İngilizce

Bölüm : Sosyal Hekimlik

Yayın Yeri : Geneva

ISBN : 92 4 120584 9

Yayın Tarihi : 1976

Yayıncı : World Health Organization WHO

Tür : Rapor

Kitap No : 3627


General Introduction
1. The present food and nutrition situation .......
1.1 Extent and nature of the malnutrition problem .
2. Past approaches to the problem .............
2.1 Experience with Applied Nutrition Programmes
2.2 Modification of the food supply.........
2.3 Present trends ...................
3. The need for a new approach..................... .
3.1 Nutrition in national development planning ..........
3.2 The scope of food and nutrition policies............
3.3 Three elements of a food and nutrition strategy .
3.4 The integration of food and nutrition planning into national development programmes ..............
4. An approach to food and nutrition planning..............
4.1 Economic growth, structural change and agricultural strategy in relation to nutritional improvement........
4.2 Food policy planning ......................
4.3 The basis of a nutritionally adequate diet...........
4.4 Health strategies and direct measures for
nutritional improvement.....................
4.5 Complementarities among the elements of strategy
5. Food and nutrition planning and its implementation ........
5.1 Analysis of the nutrition problem................
5.2 Identification of relevant measures ..............
5.3 Organizational requirements for food and nutrition planning
5.4 Data support requirements....................
5.5 Nutrition indicators .......................
5.6 Delivery systems for nutrition programmes .
5.7 Criteria for the evaluation of alternative programmes
5.8 Training needs in relation to the planning and implementation of food and nutrition policy.........
6. Research needs..............................
6.1. Identification and analysis of nutrition
problems in populations.....................
6.2 Programme development .
6.3 Direct intervention programmes ................
6.4 Evaluation.............................
6.5 Political and organizational aspects...............
References Annex 1 . Annex 2