The Long-Term Effects of Coronary Bypass Surgery

Kitap : The Long-Term Effects of Coronary Bypass Surgery

Dil : İngilizce

Bölüm : Sosyal Hekimlik

Yayın Yeri : Copenhagen

Yayın Tarihi : 1978

Yayıncı : World Health Organization WHO

Kitap No : 3590


1. Introduction.
2. Possible influence of recent developments in drug treatment and secondary prevention on the natural history of coronary heart disease.......................................
3. Clinical value and limitations of coronary bypass surgery.....
3.1 Stable angina pectoris.........................
3.2 Unstable angina pectoris.......................
3.3 Life-threatening arryhythmias...................
3.4 Coronary artery obstructions in cardiac lesions for which surgery is indicated..........................
3.5 Summary.................................
4. Indications for coronary artery surgery...........
4.1 Clearly established indications for bypass grafting
4.2 Less clearly established indications..........
4.3 Contraindications to operation.............
5. Methods and procedure of patient selection .
5.1 Methods....................
5.2 Indications for coronary arteriography
6. Coronary artery sugery needs; attitudes and resources .
6.1 Prevalence studies.....................
6.2 Incidence studies......................
6.3 Annual number of patients requiring surgery
6.4 Backlog of patients requiring surgery.........
6.5 Total need of coronary surgery in the community
6.6 Demands for coronary surgery.............
6.7 Resources and financial implications.........
6.8 Conclusions.........................7. Guidelines for optimal resources for coronary bypass surgery.
7.1 The maintenance of optimal standards............
7.2 The cardiac surgical team....................
7.3 The anaesthetic team.......................
7.4 Technical staff for perfusion and monitoring.......
7.5 Theatre................................
7.6 Beds..................................
7.7 Perfusion and monitoring equipment.............
7.8 Nursing staff.............................
7.9 Blood transfusion and pathology laboratory facilities
7.10 Cardiac medical and radiology team.............
7.11 Availability of other medical disciplines...........
7.12 Staff for documentation of results..............
8. Summary and conclusions..........
9. Possible areas of further research.....
Annex I List of background documents
Annex II The present state of coronary artery bypass surgery in Europe, by Professor E. Varnauskas..........
Annex III Participants