Primary health care in industrialized countries

Kitap : Primary health care in industrialized countries

Dil : İngilizce

Bölüm : Sosyal Hekimlik

Yayın Yeri : Copenhagen

ISBN : 92 890 1261 7

Yayın Tarihi : 1985

Yayıncı : World Health Organization WHO

Tür : Rapor

Kitap No : 3576


Scope and purpose . . . Work of the Conference
Views and policies on primary health care
Primary health care and WHO ...........
Primary health care in France............
Primary health care in the USSR..........
Discussion .........................
The socioeconomic scene for developing primary health care
Inequalities in health .......................................
Social trends influencing health and health care.....................
Economic trends influencing health and health care ..................
Discussion ..............................................
The particular relevance of primary health care to industrialized countries.............................................
Self-reliance ............................................
Community participation...................................
Intersectoral collaboration ..................................
Integration of health services ................................
Special attention to high-risk and vulnerable groups.................
Appropriate technology for primary health care ...................
Implementation of primary health care in industrialized countries
Relevance of primary health care...............................
Commitment to primary health care ............................Expenditure.....................
Education for primary health care......
Recognition and prevention of risk factors Evaluation and information systems
Annex 1. Bibliography ................
Annex 2. Media discussions ............
Annex 3. Participants .................
Summaries in French, German and Russian