Environmental Health Aspects of Human Setlements

Kitap : Environmental Health Aspects of Human Setlements

Yazar : * A.E.Martin * D.Oeter

Dil : İngilizce

Bölüm : Sosyal Hekimlik

Yayın Yeri : Copenhagen

Yayın Tarihi : 1978

Yayıncı : World Health Organization WHO

Tür : Rapor

Kitap No : 3574


1. Introduction....................................
2. Social aspects of housing and environmental health..........
2.1 Space and population density.....................
2.2 Past experience and lessons for the future.............
3. Present problems of housing hygiene in Europe.............
3.1 Indoor microclimate and air quality, including heating,
air conditioning, air circulation and pollution...........
3.2 Illumination and natural sunlight...................
3.3 Building structure and fittings, and environmental safety
3.4 Immediate natural environment and nearby recreation and leisure facilities...............................
3.5 Communications and transport in residential areas........
3.6 Energy conservation and environmental health in houses and settlements..................................
3.7 Legal incentives to improve housing and environmental health.....................................
3.8 Experimental housing settlements...................
4. The housing environment and urban planning..............
4.1 Slum problems of city centres.....................
4.2 Suburban housing for the affluent..................
4.3 Shanty towns and mobile homes...................
4.4 Remedial action..............................
5. Priority health problems............................
5.1 Mothers and children...........................
5.2 The elderly..................................
5.3 The physically handicapped.......................
5.4 Mental health................................
5.5 Psychosocial problems..........................
5.6 Rural-urban migrants, foreign immigrants and workers.....
5.7 Air pollution and environmental noise................
6. Conclusions....................................
Annex: Subjects identified for future study (detailed narratives) . . .