Trace Elements in Human Nutrition

Kitap : Trace Elements in Human Nutrition

Dil : İngilizce

Bölüm : Sosyal Hekimlik

Yayın Yeri : Geneva

Cilt : 532

Yayın Tarihi : 1973

Yayıncı : World Health Organization WHO

Kitap No : 3571



1. Introduction.............................
2. Background.............................
3. Zinc ................................
4. Copper . . .
5. Chromium.............................
6. Selenium...............................
7. Cobalt...............................
8. Magnesium.............................
9. Manganese.............................
10. Vanadium..............................
11. Tin.................................
12. Nickel...............................
13. Cadmium..............................
14. Molybdenum.......................
15. Lead ................................
16. Mercury..............................
17. Arsenic...............................
18. Boron
19. Lithium...............................
20. Trace element content of foods.....................
21. Trace elements in the feeding of infants and young children
22. International support for investigations on trace element deficiency and excess in human disease...........................
23. Methodological problems of special importance in trace element studies . . .
24. General recommendations.......................
Annex 1. The joint IAEA/WHO research project on trace elements in relation to cardiovascular diseases....................
Annex 2. Trace elements in human and cow's milk