Reuse of Effluents:Methods of Wastewater Treatment and Health Safeguards

Kitap : Reuse of Effluents:Methods of Wastewater Treatment and Health Safeguards

Dil : İngilizce

Bölüm : Sosyal Hekimlik

Yayın Yeri : Geneva

Cilt : 517

Yayın Tarihi : 1973

Yayıncı : World Health Organization WHO

Tür : Rapor

Kitap No : 3570


1. Introduction...............
2. General considerations..........
2.1 Specific considerations governing reuse
3. Definitions...............
4. Unintentional reuse of wastewater.......
4.1 Current extent of reuse.........
4.2 Examples of indirect reuse in certain rivers
5. Intentional reuse of wastewater........
5.1 Agriculture...............
5.2 Industry................
5.3 Recreation...............
5.4 Municipal reuse.
5.5 Economics of reuse...........
5.6 Political and social constraints......
6. Potential health effects associated with the reuse of wastewater . .
6.1 Microbiological health risks................
6.2 Removal of pathogenic microorganisms in treatment processes
6.3 Treatment of wastewater for unrestricted irrigation......
6.4 Treatment of wastewater for drinking............
6.5 Health effects of toxic chemicals in potable waters......
7. Wastewater treatment technology.........
7.1 Conventional processes...........
7.2 Advanced processes.............
7.3 Quality of treated effluents..........
7.4 Typical combinations of unit processes . . . .
7.5 Sludges and residues from treatment processes
Quality control of renovated water......
8.1 Biological examination..........
8.2 Detection and monitoring of bacteria . . .
8.3 Virus detection.............
8.4 Chemical testing............
8.5 Bioassays................
8.6 Organization for water quality surveillance
9. Water quality standards...............
10. Responsibilities of regulatory and operational authorities
10.1 Central government..............
10.2 Pollution control and water supply agencies . . .
10.3 Industrial role in water reuse..........
11. Summary and recommendations............
Annex 1. A survey of wastewater reuse in certain countries Annex 2. Bibliography..................