The rural non-farm economy:Processes and policies
İÇİNDEKİLERContents Preface Acknowledgements ix 1. Towards an analytical framework Introduction 1 The new emphasis on the RNFE: Proximate factors and potential role Definitional aspects The RNFE and the industrialisation process: A stylised historical framework The RNFE: Regional diversity 2. The RNFE, agrarian differentiation and rural inequality Introduction The RNFE and inequality: Stylised patterns, scattered evidence The RNFE, agriculture and differentiation processes Internal differentiation with the RNFE Concluding observations 3. The RNFE: Demand-side dimensions Introduction Sources of RNFE demand generation: The East Asian cases Is the RNFE demand constrained? Evidence from Bangladesh RNFE demand linkages of redirected macro-development strategics 4. Special poverty-alleviating rural non-farm programmes: A comparative review of targeted supply-side interventions 61 Introduction Rural public works Collective labour accumulation The RNFE, self-employment and NGOs: The Grameen Bank in Bangladesh The RNFE, self-employment and government programmes: The IRDP in India Concluding observations 5. Concluding observations: The RNFE and macro-development strategies Some precursors The "new" entrant: Seven incarnations of "Agriculture First" Differential impact of infrastructural development The cruciality of the institutional environment Tailpiece Bibliography |