Maturation of Fetal Body Systems

Kitap : Maturation of Fetal Body Systems

Dil : İngilizce

Bölüm : Sosyal Hekimlik

Yayın Yeri : Geneva

Cilt : 540

Yayın Tarihi : 1974

Yayıncı : World Health Organization WHO

Tür : Rapor

Kitap No : 3470


1. Introduction..................
2. Common clinical problems............
3. Regulation of fetal growth and placental competence
4. Role of fetal maturation in the initiation of labour .
5. Respiratory system ..............
6. Cardiovascular system..............
7. Thermoregulation...............
8. Central nervous system.............
9. Development of the immune system.......
10. Developmental pharmacology..........
11. Experimental animals : general considerations . . .
12. General recommendations............
13. Specific recommendations............
Annex. Selected bibliography............