Environmental and Health Monitoring in Occupational Health

Kitap : Environmental and Health Monitoring in Occupational Health

Dil : İngilizce

Bölüm : Sağlık-Güvenlik-Çevre

Yayın Yeri : Geneva

Cilt : 535

Yayın Tarihi : 1973

Yayıncı : World Health Organization WHO

Tür : Rapor

Kitap No : 3466


1. Introduction.............................
1.1 Objectives of an occupational health programme...........
1.2 Reduction or elimination of specific occupational risks........
2. Monitoring.......
2.1 Definition and scope
2.2 Purpose......
Present limitations in occupational health practice
3.4. Current monitoring schemes in the prevention of occupational disease .
4.1 Environmental monitoring.................
4.2 Medical monitoring....................
4.3 Complementary roles of environmental and medical monitoring .
4.4 Statistical monitoring...................
5. Fundamental aims of occupational health monitoring..........
5.1 Strengthening of preventive action against occupational health hazards
5.2 Identification of unrecognized health risks at the workplace.....
5.3 Variation in individual susceptibility and tolerance.........
5.4 Interaction between work and general health of the gainfully employed
5.5 Further goals in monitoring....................
6. Use of occupational health monitoring in public health......
7. Occupational health monitoring as an epidemiological research tool
8. Guidelines for monitoring...........
8.1 Monitoring at national or regional level . .
8.2 Monitoring at the plant level.......
8.3 Monitoring for specific hazards......
8.4 Procedures for monitoring........
8.5 Information to be obtained from monitoring
9. Conclusions.............................
10. Recommendations..........................
Annex. Information to be obtained from surveys and medical examinations . .