WHO Expert Committee on Drug Dependence
İÇİNDEKİLERCONTENTS Introduction.................................. PART I. WORK OF INTERNATIONAL BODIES CONCERNED WITH DRUG DEPENDENCE.......................... 1. World Health Organization 2. United Nations............................. 3. International Narcotics Control Board.................. 4. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization...... 5. Council of Europe........................... 6. International Union for Child Welfare.................. 7. Inter-Parliamentary Union........................ 8. International Council on Alcohol and Addictions............. 9. Need for coordinated regional as well as global approach......... PART II. EPIDEMIOLOOICAL STUDY OF DRUG DEPENDENCE...... 1. The epidemiological approach...................... 2. Special problems in studies of drug dependence............. 2.1 Diversity of drugs, users, and environments............. 2.2 Drug-seeking behaviour....................... 2.3 Economic profit ......................... 2.4 Emotional factors......................... 2.5 Involvement of numerous disciplines and agencies........... 2.6 Social disapproval and legal controls................. 3. Terminology...... ........................ 4. Approaches and methods........................ 4.1 General........................ ...... 4.1.1 Patterns of drug use..................... 4.1.2 Quantification of drug dependence............... 4.1.3 Adverse consequences of drug use............... 4.1.4 Summary . 4.2 Magnitude and nature of the problem................ 4.2.1 Available sources of data................... 4.2.2 Central case registers..................... 4.2.3 Surveys ........................ 4.3 Etiology........ 4.3.1 Cross-sectional studies.................... 4.3.2 Retrospective studies 4.3.3 Prospective (cohort) studies.................. 4.3.4 Quasi-prospective (cohort) studies 4.4 Programme evaluation......................... 4.4.1 Before-and-after studies 4.4.2 " Natural experiments ".................... 4.4.3 Controlled field trials 5. Some priority research areas........................ 5.1 Etiology.............................. 5.2 Ascertainment methods 5.3 Evaluation methbds. 5.4 Natural history studies....................... 6. Comparability 6.1 Development of comparable "methbds and "systems of measurement 6.2 Development of precise terminology ............. 6.3 Collection and retrieval of data . . . . 6.4 Collaborative research..................... . . 6.5 Promotion of research and. training................. 6.6 Encouragement of working conferences................ 7. Communication with policy-makers PART III. INTERNATIONAL CONTROL OF INDIVIDUAL DRUGS..... 1. Diphenoxylate preparations 2. Nicodicodine............. . |