Air Quality Criteria and Guides for Urban Air Pollutants

Kitap : Air Quality Criteria and Guides for Urban Air Pollutants

Dil : İngilizce

Bölüm : Sağlık-Güvenlik-Çevre

Yayın Yeri : Geneva

Cilt : 506

Yayın Tarihi : 1972

Yayıncı : World Health Organization WHO

Tür : Rapor

Kitap No : 3453


1. Introduction ...................
1.1 Background information............
2. Sulfur oxides and suspended particulates.......
2.1 Experimental studies .............
2.2 Effects on man................
2.2.1 Acute effects..............
2.2.2 Chronic effects.............
2.2.3 Annoyance reactions ..........
2.3 Effects on vegetation.............
2.4 Evaluation..................
3. Carbon monoxide.................
3.1 Kinetics of carbon monoxide haemoglobin-reaction
3.2 Effects on man................
3.2.1 Effects on psychomotor function.....
3.2.2 Effects on cardiovascular system.....
3.3 Effects on vegetation .............
3.4 Evaluation..................
4. Photochemical oxidants 4.1 Effects on man .
.1 Acute effects: mortality.....
.2 Acute effects on respiratory system
.3 Athletic performance......
.4 Annoyance...........
.5 Chronic effects on man.....
4.2 Experimental studies
4.3 Effects on vegetation
4.4 Evaluation
5. Nitrogen dioxide . . . .
5.1 Effects on man . . .
5.2 Experimental studies
5.3 Evaluation.....
6. Administrative use of air quality criteria and guides......
6.1 Basic concepts .....................
6.2 Health protection and air pollution control costs
6.3 Relationship between standards with different averaging times
7. Selection of short-term and long-term goals..........
7.1 Short-term goals ....................
7.2 Long-term goals ....................
8. Recommendations..............