Techniques for the Collection and Reporting of Data on Community Water Supply
İÇİNDEKİLERCONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. The need for collecting data, and their utilization : 2.1 at various levels............. 2.2 at the local level............ 2.3 at the national and regional levels 2.4 at the international level......... 3. The need for data on community water supply.......... 3.1 Sources of data...................... 3.2 Phases of a community water supply programme and types of data required for each phase.................. 3.3 Priorities 3.4 Minimum data required.................. 4. Collection, compilation, and reporting of data on community water supply............................. 4.1 General considerations................... 4.2 Methods of collecting data................. 4.3 Compilation and reporting of data............. 5. Conclusions and recommendations................ Annex 1. Specimen report form.................. Annex 2. List of subjects on which data may be required for community water supply activities.................. |