Instructor's Guide to The Modules

Kitap : Instructor's Guide to The Modules

Dil : İngilizce

Bölüm : Sağlık-Güvenlik-Çevre

Yayın Yeri : Geneva, Switzerland

ISBN : 92-2-109440-5

Yayın Tarihi : Ocak 1996

Yayıncı : International Labour Offıce Geneva

Tür : Süreli Yayın

Kitap No : 333


What is in this Module

I. Purpose of the Modules..................................................... 1
II. Who should receive training on health and safety?.......... 1
III. Who should teach these Modules?.................................... 2
IV. Topics covered in the Modules.......................................... 3
V. Format of the Modules..................................................... 4
VI. Using these Modules in a training course.......................... 4
A. Adapt the Modules to the needs
of the target group................................................ 4
B. Encourage active class participation..................... 6
C. Teach priority issues first..................................... 8
D. Suggested guidelines for teaching......................... 8
VII. Teaching techniques.......................................................... 11
A. Asking questions................................................. 11
B. Using a check-list................................................. 11
C. Action plans......................................................... 11
D. Brainstorming....................................................... 12
E. Developing a risk map ......................................... 12
F. Small group activity ............................................. 1 3
G. Group discussion................................................ 16
H. Using case-studies................................................ 18
I. Role play.............................................................. 19
VIM. Setting up your training course.......................................... 22
A. Planning the course.............................................. 22
B. Setting up the classroom ...................................... 26
IX. Course evaluation............................................................ 27
X. Where to obtain more information.................................... 30


Your Health And Safety At Work:A Collection Of Modules