Public Health Papers - Personal for Health Care

Kitap : Public Health Papers - Personal for Health Care

Dil : İngilizce

Bölüm : Sosyal Hekimlik

Yayın Yeri : Geneva

ISBN : 92 4 130071 X

Cilt : 71

Yayın Tarihi : 1980

Yayıncı : World Health Organization WHO

Kitap No : 3322


1. The University of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia: Developing a new medical school, by D. Maddison......
2. Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia: Dental manpower training, by R. Guerrero & C. Tasama...............
3. University of Kuopio, Finland: Reforms of the health care system in Finland-A challenge for a new university, by T. Vanha-Perttula..............................
4. Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Xochimilco, Mexico: An interdisciplinary innovation in medical education, by R. Villarreal.......................................
5. Tribhuvan University Institute of Medicine, Nepal, by M. Shah....................................
6. College of Allied Health Sciences, Madang, Papua New Guinea: Health extension officers, Papua New Guinea's personnel for health care, by J. Banam...............
7. University of the Philippines College of Medicine, Philippines: The Institute of Health Sciences, Tacloban-Search for a model, by A. F. Bonifacio...............
8. Faculty of Medicine, University of Edinburgh, Scotland: Introducing a new curriculum in an established medical school, by H. Walton...............................
9. Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand: Training of public health nurse practitioners in Thailand, by P. Limprasutr10. The National School of Midwifery, Lome, Togo, by E. Vovor
11. First and Second Moscow Medical Institutes, USSR: Reform of medical syllabuses, by Ju. Isakov.................
12. University of Aden, Democratic Yemen: Medical education in the People's Democratic , Republic of Yemen, by A. S. Bahattab.....................................
13. The Medical Faculty at Novi Sad, Yugoslavia: New trends in the promotion of a system of medical education, by D. Jakovljevic.....................................


Case Studies of Educational Programmes volume 2