PublicHealth Papers - The Teaching of Human Sexuality in Schools for Health Professionals

Kitap : PublicHealth Papers - The Teaching of Human Sexuality in Schools for Health Professionals

Dil : Türkçe

Bölüm : Sosyal Hekimlik

Yayın Yeri : Geneva

ISBN : 92 4 130057 4

Cilt : 57

Yayın Tarihi : 1974

Yayıncı : World Health Organization WHO

Orijinal Dil : İngilizce

Tür : Kitap

Kitap No : 3317


Preface ..................
Chapter 1. Definitions and scope of enquiry.......
Chapter 2. A dilemma for health practitioners......
Chapter 3. New roles for health practitioners......
Educational roles...............
Therapeutic roles................
Community roles...............
Sexology as a medical specialty...........
Chapter 4. Training needs of health practitioners.....
Personal qualities..............
Chapter 5. Suggestions on the educational programme and the curriculum.............
Chapter 6. Curriculum planning..........
When should education in human sexuality be carried out? ....
How should the education be conducted?.........
By whom should the education be conducted?.......
Resource materials..............
Chapter 7. What training is already being given?.....
Selected specific programmes (Colombia; Philippines; Switzerland; USA) .
Regional profiles (USA; Europe; Asia; South America).....
Chapter 8. How to start new programmes.......
Difficulties encountered when introducing courses in human sexuality .
Criteria for success . ............
Chapter 9. Suggested future activities.........
Short-term activities..............
Long-term activities..............
Annex 1. Outline of curriculum content for the training of sex
Annex 2. Knowledge, skills, and attitudes required by health profes­sionals for dealing with problems of human sexuality .
Annex 3. Selected bibliography...........
Annex 4. Some agencies active in the field of human sexuality Annex 5. Contributors.............