PublicHealth Papers - Approaches to National Health Planning

Kitap : PublicHealth Papers - Approaches to National Health Planning

Dil : İngilizce

Bölüm : Sosyal Hekimlik

Yayın Yeri : Geneva

Cilt : 46

Yayın Tarihi : 1972

Yayıncı : World Health Organization WHO

Tür : Kitap

Kitap No : 3311


chapter 1. Introduction
chapter 2. Less developed countries: the pragmatic approach................
chapter 3. The Indian example: planning as a political way of life...............
chapter 4. Public health planning in the USSR-/. D, Bo-gatyrev & M. P. Rojtman.........
chapter 5. Regional plannin.g: the Swedish approach .
chapter 6. The PAHO-CENDES Method.......
chapter 7. Health planning in the USA........
chapter 8. Health manpower planning in Peru, Taiwan, and Turkey...............
chapter 9. The future of national health planning. . . .