PublicHealth Papers - Planning and Programming for Nursing Services
İÇİNDEKİLERCONTENTS Preface . . Introduction 1. principles of health planning Definitions and basic concepts . . . Health planning and national planning The planning procedure..... Scope of planning...... Constraints on planning..... 2. trends in health planning Use of quantitative methods . . Health practice research . . . Decision-making and other trends 3. training in health planning 4. the planning process . . . Preplanning (preconditions)....... Analysis of the health and nursing situation . Priorities and alternatives....... Selection of a health plan....... Programming and implementing a plan of action Evaluation............ Summary................. Annex 1. The CENDES/PAHO methodology for national health planning........... Annex 2.The Planning-Programming-Budgeting System (PPBS).............. Annex 3. National health planning in the USSR Annex 4. Indices of nursing care.........Annex 5. Definitions of categories of nursing services, functions and personnel.......... Annex 6. Sample forms for obtaining information on nursing personnel............. Annex 7. Re-registration forms for nurses...... Annex 8. Development of staffing standards...... Annex 9. Sample targets............ Annex 10. Planning of nursing education and training . . . Glossary................. Bibliography................ |