Health Policy, Ethics and Human Values
İÇİNDEKİLERCONTENTS Introduction.......................................................................... Z. Bankowski.... Opening Address.................................................................. M.Belchior........ Welcome Addresses.............................................................. J. Floros............ N. Skoulas......... L.A. Kaprio...... Keynote Address.................................................................. E.D. Pellegrino.. ETHICAL DILEMMAS IN HEALTH POLICY, Panel I Policy-Making in the Face of Societal Pressures................. F.T. Sai.................. Health Policy-Making in America: The Process of Building Consensus........................................................... G.M. Crooks.......... Ethical Issues in Health Policy............................................. D. Sebina................ A Difficult Choice: Ethics in Health Services Administration.................................................................. A.R. Al-Awadhi..... The Social Right to Health Care within a Free, Equalitarian and Democratic Society............................... G. Soberon............. J.F. Ruiz-Massieu Ethical Dilemmas in Health Policy in Egypt....................... W.A. Hassouna...... DISCUSSION Fisek - Sai - Wasi - Bryant -Fulayfil - Quadri - Hirschfeld Abul-Fadl - dimming - Crooks - Abul-Fadl HEALTH AND POLICY-MAKING - WHERE DO VALUES ENTER IN? Panel II Health Policy: An Integration of Societal Values................ S. Gorovitz............ Health Policy-Making in the African Setting - The Intersection of Traditional Values, Modern Science and the Political Intricacies of Under-Development............... F.T. Sai................. Health Policy-Making in the Context of the Christian and Democratic Traditions of Northern Europe.................... H. Hellberg............ Health Policy-Making in Israel - Religion, Politics and Cultural Diversity............................................................. S. Glick.................. DISCUSSION Lindquist - Boyo - Lafontaine - Browne - Labrini Moutsopoulos -Lang - Gellhom - Hellberg - Abdussalam - Sai - Glick - Khan -Schenkel - GellhornFAITHS, CULTURES AND IDEOLOGIES - IMPLICATIONS FOR HEALTH POLICY-MAKING, Panel III Value Systems: Their Roles in Shaping Policy Decisions R. Veatch................. Islam - History, Traditions and Faith - Impacts on Health Policy Formulation................................................ M.A.M. Abul-Fadl. Life, Suffering, Death and Health Policies: The View of Secular Humanism............................................................ S. Gorovitz............... Social, Ethical and Political Strains in Latin America and the Quest for Social Justice.............................................. F. Ivern.................... Secular Impact on Health Policies....................................... M. Sokolowska........ DISCUSSION Hathout - Gorovitz - Abdussalam - Khan - Zakopoulos - Glick - Quadri -Kleczkowski - Gorovitz - Abul-Fadl - Violaki-Paraskeva - Ivern Reflections on the Panel Discussions...................................... T. McKeown - W. A. Hassouna - R. Veatch - F.T. Sai CASE STUDIES Allocation of Resources for Primary Health Care Equity and Health Care in Latin America: Principles and Dilemmas.......................................................................... G. Soberon................ J. Narro Universal Coverage with Primary Health Care in Europe - Theory and Practice..................................................... L.A. Kaprio.............. Health Care in a Pluralistic System: Covering the Gaps..... S. Gorovitz................ Health for All in Africa: How Distant the Hope?............... D. Sebina................... Public Policy and Hereditary Disease Scientific and Public Policy Problems of Thalassemia in Thailand............................................................................ P. Wasi...................... Analogies with Sickle-Cell Disease....................................... F.T. Sai..................... Hereditary Diseases in Europe - Scientific and Technical Considerations.................................................................. M. Lindquist............. Thalassemia in Greece.......................................................... M. Violaki-Paraskeva Care of Low-Birth-Weight Infants Low Birth Weight in the United States............................... G.M. Crooks Low Birth Weight and the One-Child Family in China...... Qiu Renzong.. Low-Birth-Weight Infants in Europe................................... T. McKeown.. Health Care of the Elderly Health Care of the Elderly in Japan.................................... R. Kimura.......... The Aging in Israel - Traditional Jewish Imperatives versus the Demands of Modernity and Modern Science. S. Glick.............. The Impact of Modernization on Traditional Family Support Systems for the Elderly in Africa....................... B.K. Adadevoh., Care of the Gravely 111 Elderly in the United States of America - Who Makes the Decisions: Patient, Family, Doctors, Courts?............................................................... R. Veatch........... Organ Substitution Therapy Health Policy, Ethics and Organ Transplantation............... A. van der Werff.., Organ Substitution Therapy in the Developing World: From Corneal Grafting to Renal Dialysis....................... M. Abdussalam.. Costs and Choices in High-Technology Medical Care........ F. Vilardell............ C. Collel SUMMARY OF CASE STUDIES......................... GENERAL DISCUSSION ON CASE STUDIES Gellhorn- Bryant - Lindquist - Hirschfeld - Ivern- Vilardell Kaprio - Lang - Kimura - Bryant - Hassouna - Zetterrström -Vilardell - Hathout - Lafontaine - Vilardell - Bryant THE MEANINGS OF LIFE, SUFFERING AND DEATH, Panel IV Religious Values of Judaism about Life, Suffering and Death - the Message for Policy-Makers........................ A. Steinberg......... Life, Death and Suffering from a Christian Perspective: Their Impact on Health Policy......................................... E.D. Pellegrino..., Traditional Beliefs of Africa and their Intersection with Modern Ideas and Beliefs: Implications for Health Policies.............................................................................. B.O. Osuntokun.. The Buddhist Concept of Life, Suffering and Death and their Meaning for Health Policy....................................... P. Ratanakul.......The Intersection of Human Values and Public Policy - A Chinese View.................................................................... Qiu Renzong.. Life, Suffering, Death and Health Policies - The View of the Secular Humanist....................................................... S. Gorovitz Fundamental Values of Islam on Life, Suffering and Death - Their Meaning for Medical and Social Justice. H. Hathout.... DISCUSSION Thangaraj - Zakopoulos - Lindquist - Glick - Gorovitz - Abdussalam - Agrafiotis - Zetterstrom - Quadri - Lang - Abul-Fadl - Kimura - Hathout - Qiu Renzong REFLECTIONS ON THE CONFERENCE AND RECOMMENDATIONS................................................. J.H.Bryant.............. DISCUSSION........................................................................................................... Hellberg - Adadevoh - Sai - Bryant - Hirschfeld - Glick - Osuntokun - Bryant - Gellhorn - Bryant - Gellhorn - Adadevoh - Bryant - Glick - Bryant - Belchior LIST OF PARTICIPANTS............................................................................. |