Uses of Epidemiology in Planning Health Services

Kitap : Uses of Epidemiology in Planning Health Services

Yazar : * A. Michael Davies

Dil : İngilizce

Bölüm : Sosyal Hekimlik

Yayın Yeri : Belgrad

Cilt : 2

Yayın Tarihi : Ocak 1973

Yayıncı : Savremena Administracija

Kitap No : 3188


Convening Committee Preface
MEASUREMENT OF ILL HEALTH, A. M. Lilienfeld, J. Cassel
The Me asurement of 111 Health, A. L. Cochrane
Epidemiological Criteria Versus Clinical Diagnosis, G. Lamm and
M. Csukas
Health and Health Resources in a Papuan Village, I. Haddocks and D. L.Maddocks
Epidemiology In the Global Eradication of Smallpox, Dr. D.A.Henderson Report on a Program of Methodological Studies of Health Interview
Surveys, Elijah L. White and Oswald K. Sagen
Measurement of Need, A. S. Harö
Functional Analysis of Health Needs and Services, W. A. Reinke, C. E. Taylor and R. L. Parker
Family Stress and Need for Child Health Services, R. J. Haggerty, K. J. Roghmann and I. Barry Pless
Assessment of Medical Care Needs of Individuals with Chronic Cardio-respiratory Dasease, M. W. Adler, J. L. Iliffe, W. W. Holland and H. S. Kasap
Epidemiological Bases for Planning Kidney Dialysis Units, M. C. McCor-mick and V. Navarro
Extent of Organ Removal: its Importance and Measurement, ej D. Ache-son and A. S. Fairbairn
Some Problems of Measurement of 111 Health in Africa, M. S. R. Hutt The Deffition of the Hospital Catchment Area and its Popatetion as a Denominator for the Evaluation of Hospital Returns in Developing Coun­tries, H. J, Diesfeld
Maye Clinic Reoords Linkage System in the Rochester-Olmsted Epide­miology Program Project, It. T. Kurland, L. Elveback and F. T. NobregaThe Care of Patients with Recurrent Cancer: the Need for Information,
J. A. H. Lee
Community Diagnosis: Health and Disease Indicators, J. M. Chapman and A. Coulson
Detection and Management of Chronic Disease in a Defined Population,
J. O. Taylor and E. H. Kass
Monitoring Health in Scotland, V. M. Hawthorne and C. R. Gillis
STATISTICAL METHODS, Z. Brzezinski, J. A. Heady
Causal Models and Fallacies in Cross-national Epidemiological Research, T. W. Bice and E. Kalimo
Components of the Demand of for Hospital Care, D. Hewitt and J. Milner A Review of Multivariate Statistical Techniques and the Treatment of Missing Values in Epidemiological Research, H. S. Kasap and R. T. Corkhill
Relative Importance of Various Factors in the Development of Chronic Respiratory Disease, T Halil .
Some Mathematical Methods for the Study of Non-communicable Di­seases, L. D. Meshalkin
COMMUNICABLE DISEASE I, R. Cruickshank, A. O. Lucas
Shiga Bacillus Dysentery in Central America, E. J. Gangarosa, L. J. Mata, D. R. Perera, L. B. Reller and C. M. Morris
Effectiveness of Live Attenuated Shigella Vaccines, D. Mel
Controlled Field Trial of Oral Typhoid Vaccine in Delhi, C. S. Chuttani, K. Prakash, A. Vargese, U.Sharma, P. Singha and B. Ghosh Ray - - The Role of Drinking Water in Epidemics of Infectious Hepatitis in Rural Yugoslavia, J. A. Gaon
Economic Aspects of Viral Hepatitis, J. Cervenka
Epidemiological Evaluation of Hepatitis-associated Antigen in the Differentiation of Serum and Infectious Hepatitis, R. W. McCollum - Hong Kong Influenza in London, M. Clarke and D. L. Miller - - - Epidemiology of Plague in Uttar Pradesh, India, J. K. Bhatnagar
MEASUREMENT OF USE AND DEMAND, A. Ordonez-Plaja, M. Jefferys -
Measurement of Use and Demand, D. O. Anderson - - - - -
Some Determinants of Health Service Utilization, Z. Brzezinski - - Factors, Influencing Use and Demand in an Australian Urban Co­mmunity, A. J. Adams - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Evaluation of a Rural Health Service Employing a Physician's Assistant, B. J. Eberle, L. B. Benham, M. L. Chatkoff, C. C. Geil, E. A. Mortimer, S. S. Obenshain, R. Oseasohn, A. E. Pressman and N. L. Quenk - - - Measurement Errors in Household Surveys of Use of Child Health Ser­vices, K. J. Roghmann, R. J. Haggerty and I. B. Pless - - - - -
MEASUREMENT OF NEED (CONT'D), H. Willard, K. Newell - - - -
Antecedents of Low Birth weight: Maternal Weight, Height, Age, Parity, Weight-gain, and History of Prior Low Birthweight Delivery Re-exami­ned in Harlem, New York City, D. Rush, H. Davis and M. Susser - - Methodological Problems in the Estimation of Maintenance Dialysis Needs B. Modan, V. Leslau, G. Bott-Kanner, N. Barnoach and H. E. Eliahou - Community Participation and Health Resource Allocation, G. A. Silver
Measurement of Need, Health-planning in an Urban Area, G. G. Reader
and O. Ochs
The Design for Evaluation of HIP'S Incentive Reimbursement Experiment, P. M. Densen, E.W. Jones, S. Shapiro and H. West
Chronic Illness, Family Functioning, and Psychological Adjustment: a Model for the Allocation of Preventive Mental Health Services, J. B. Pless, K. Roghmann and R. J. Haggerty
GENERAL I, J. Pemberton, F. Schofield
The Prevalence and Care of Severely Mentally Retarded Children in Quebec, A. D. McDonald
Recent Trends in Suicidal Behaviour in Australia, B. S. Hetzel and R. G. Oliver
Cornell Medical Index: Psychiatric Interviews and Job Satisfaction, M. Ki-libarda, M. Savicevic, M. Maslac, J. Stajnberger, E. Lee and Ch. Cannell Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Parkinsonism-Dementia of Guam-recent Observations, J. A. Brody
International Comparability Study of Stroke, M. Savicevic, R. L. Berg and Ch. J. Gibson
Social Characteristics of the Psychiatric Hospital Population in Sweden, G.Inghe and L. O. Bygren
The Epidemiology of Migraine, W. E. Waters
COMMUNICABLE DISEASE II, B. Cvjetanovic, B. G. Prasad
Continuing Surveillance of Families as a Method for Epidemiologic Study of Viral Infections, J. P. Fox and C. E. Hall
Laboratory Reports in the Measurement of III Health Due to Commun­icable Disease, D. L. Miller and B. Moore
Uses of Epidemiology in the Control of Hospital Acquired Infections, P. S. Brachman
Methods for Controlling a Communicable Disease Focus, I. M. Ivan Health Trends in Three Asian Countries-Ceylon, Malaysia and Singa­pore, P. Arumanayagam and S. F. San
Use of Epidemiology in Smallpox Eradication in West Africa, S. O. Foster Uses of Epidemiology in Famine, W. H. Foege
Allocation of Resources, W. Rudoe
Econometric Models for the Allocation of Health Resources, R. L. Berg An Epidemiologic Reevaluation of the Strategy of Malaria Eradication,
R. G. Scholtens.R. L. Kaiser and A. D. Langmuir
An Epidemiological Assessment of Cholera Control Programs in Rural
East Pakistan, W. H. Mosley, K. J. Bart and A. Sommer
Epidemiological Considerations Underlying the Allocation of Health and Disease Care Resources, W. Winkelstein
Epidemiology and Environmental Health Policy, J. R. Goldsmith

Doctor Visits in Various Income Groups Prior to Canadian Medicare,
P. E. Enterline, V. Salter, A. D. McDonald and J. C. McDonald A Study of the Delivery of Primary Medical Care, D. C. Morrell
Some Factors Associated with Use of Medical Services for a Trivial Con­dition, J. Collins
Contribution of Drug Utilization and Prescribing Studies in Health Ser­vices Planning, P. D. Stolley, M. H. Becker, J. D. McEvilla, L. Lasagna, L. M. Sloane and M. Gainor
Changes in Reported Illness and Illness Behavior Related to the Termi­nation of Employment, S. V. Kasl and S. Cobb
Etiology of Non-specific Chronic Respiratory Illness and Cor Pulmonale in Bosnia and Hercegovina, G. 2arkovic
Chronic Bronchitis and Asthmatic Disease in Cracow, F. Sawicki Epidemiological Study of the Influence of Pregnancy on Obstructive Lung Disease, M. J. Zaagman-Van Buuren, K. De Vries, R. Van Der Lende, H. H. Weller and N. G. M. Orie
Respiratory Disorders in Seven-year-old Children in Tasmania, B. Gan-devia, G. J. L. Hall, H. Silverstone and H. B. Gibson Investigation into Observer and Seasonal Variation of the Prevalence of Respiratory Symptoms at Schiermonnikoog, R. Van Der Lende, J. Wever--Hess and G. G. Van Der Meulen
The Epidemiology of Farmer's Lung in Scotland, A. Mair, I. W. B. Grant
and W. Blyth
GENERAL SESSION II, A. Caklin, J. Mosbecit
Epidemiology and Community Medicine, S. L. Kark, J. H. Abramson, E. Kark and L. M. Epstein
An Epidemiological Approach to Medical Care Planning and Evaluation,
M. Henderson
Epidemiology Within a Decision-making Project in Colombia, S. W. Be­nnett, R. Guerrero and H. Pabon
Data from the Operation of a Neighborhood Health Center, M. D. Schweit­zer and F. R. Gearing
Application of Epidemiological Methodology of Family Planning Care in Health Services, A. Kessler and S. Kessler
A Study of Training and Other Variables and Quality of Surgical Care in Hospitals, O. L. Peterson, E. M. Barsamian and M. F. Eden Studies of Methods of Utilization Review, J. G. Zimmer
GENERAL III, K. L. White, R. A. Stallones
Work of Physicians in Montreal, J. C. McDonald, A. D. McDonald, N. Steinmetz, P. E. Enterline and V. Salter
The Use of Hospital Emergency Rooms and Outpatient Departments in Montreal, N. Steinmetz
Sequel to the Duch Famine: Effects on Mental Performance, Z. Stein Obstructive Lung Disease in Babies in the City of Drachten (The Nethe­rlands), A. F. Meinesz, G. J. A. P. Anders, R. Van Der Lende, M. Zaag­man-Van Buuren and N. G. M. Orie
Oesophageal Cancer in the Caspian Littoral, Iran, J. Kmet and E. Mahboubi
Characteristics of Women Using Different Methods of Contracep­tion, M. P. Vessey, Richard Doll, R. Peto and C. W. G. Redman
Relationships Between Socioeconomic Conditions and Physical and Men­tal Growth and Health in a Developing Country in North Africa, H. J.
Boutourline Young
ARTHRITIS, R. M. Acheson, P. H. N. Wood
Conflict Between Epidemiological an Clinical Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis in a Population Sample, E. Allander
Rheumatoid Arthritis in Africa, A. S. Muller, H. A. A. Valkenburg and B. M. Greenwood
Prevalence of Rheumatoid Arthritis in Rural Germany, T. Behrend, J. S. Lawrence, H. Behrend and K. Fischer
Rheumatoid Factor in Iceland (I), E. Allander, O. J. Björnsson, A. Kolbe-insson, O. Olafsson, N. Sigfusson and J. Thorsteinsson
Prevalence of Rheumatoid Arthritis and Rheumatoid Factor in Siena, Italy, R. Marcolongo
Prevalence of Rheumatoid Arthritis in Japan, K. Schichikawa Epidemiological Aspects of Yersinia Arthritis, K. Sievers, P. Ahvonen and K. Aho
Cardiovascular Studies in Isolated Communities, A. G. Shaper Bacteriuria in a Defined Population, E. H. Kass, W. E. Mialland K. L. Stuart
Blood Glucose and its Relationships to Cardiovascular Parameters in Jamaica, C. du V. Florey, H. MacDonald, J. MacDonald and W. E. Miall Covariance of Cholesterol, Glucose Tolerance and Blood Pressure in Kinship, S. Vuletic and 2. Jaksic
The E. C. G. as a Tool in Experimental Research, H. Schaefer Validity of Exercise Tests at Three Year Intervals in an Epidemiological Study, M. Blohmke
High Risk Pregnancies, C. Rumeau - Rouquette
Measurement of Effectiveness and Efficiency, A. Engel
Assessment of Efficiency and Effectiveness of Primary Medical Care, J. Cassel and B. Hulka
Use of Mathematical Models in the Evalution of the Effectiveness of Preventive Measures Against Some Infectious Diseases, B. Cvjetanovic, K. Uemura, B. Grab and T. Sundaresan
Use-effectiveness of an Oral Contraceptive in a Rural Area, S. C. Bagchi and V. Varma
Prospective Study of Effectiveness of Tonsillectomy in Children, J. W. B. Douglas
The Economics of Treating Varicose Veins, D. Piachaud and J. M. Weddell
Measurement of Preventive Health Services, D. J. Sencer
Evaluation of the Interest of Preventive Measures in High Risk Subjects,
D. Schwartz The Use of Prognostic Epidemiology to improve Health Service Outcome,
J.W. Williamson and M. G. van Nieuwenhuijzen Impact of Screening Programme in General Practice a Randomised Controlled Trial, A. E. Bennett and I. G. P. Fraser
GENERAL SESSION IV, T. McKeown, G. Lindgren _
Some Methodological Problems in International Epidemiological Compa­risons, M. Deane
Recording and Measuring Outcome in Primary Practice, J. M. Last and
C. I. Neutel
Psychiatric Registers and Community Mental Health Services, M. Susser The Migration of Physicians to the United States, T. D. Dublin
CHOLERA, A.Langmuir, A. M. Davies
The Epidemic of Cholera in Jerusalem 1970, D. Brachott and J. Cohen - Cholera Carriers and Circulation of Cholera Vibrios in the Community, Z.Bencic and R. Sinha
The Optimal Oral Therapy Formula for Cholera and Cholera - Like Diarrheas, D. R. Nalin and R. A. Cash