TUTB Newsletter
İÇİNDEKİLERIN THIS ISSUE EDITORIAL TUTB OBSERVATORY The Machinery Directive, gains and challenges for the New Approach EUROPEAN LEGISLATION The new impact assessment of Commission initiatives : a tool for sustainable development ? ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS RF/Microwave Radiation Protection Exposure of workers to electromagnetic fields: proposal for a directive PREVENTIVE SERVICES Preventive services in the European Union - fighting a losing battle ? Spain : preventive services well below par Sweden : throwing the baby out with the bath water ? The Netherlands : the three rings of the prevention market and market controls A missing link : collectivization of the experience of preventive services OCCUPATIONAL CANCERS Recognition of occupational cancers in Europe HEALTH AND SAFETY IN SME Trade unions and improving health and safety in small enterprises: the findings of an ETUC study NEWS IN BRIEF______________ TUTB PUBLICATIONS ETUC-TUTB CONFERENCE Joint OSH strategy for the enlarged Europe |