Pesticide residues in food

Kitap : Pesticide residues in food

Dil : İngilizce

Bölüm : Sağlık-Güvenlik-Çevre

Yayın Yeri : Geneva

Yayın Tarihi : 1973

Yayıncı : World Health Organization WHO

Tür : Rapor

Kitap No : 3060


1. Introduction
2. General considerations
2.1 Principles adopted
2.2 Clarification of the term " temporary ADI " .............
2.3 Future work proposed for studies on cholinesterase-inhibiting compounds
2.4 DDT
2.5 Organomercury compounds
2.6 Methods of pesticide residue analysis
2.7 Residue limits " at or about the limit of determination "
2.8 Classification of residues in foods of animal origin
2.9 Response to requests for information
2.10 Procedure for determining tolerance level
3. Evaluation of data for acceptable daily intakes
3.1 Organophosphorus insecticides
3.2 Bipyridilium herbicides
3.3 Coumaphos and parathion-methyl . . .
3.4 Chloropropylate
3.5 Chlormequat
3.6 Piperonyl butoxide and pyrethrins . . .
4. Evaluation of data for tolerances and practical residue limits
4.1 Matters referred to the Joint Meeting by the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues
4.2 Pesticides reviewed in the light of new information
4.3 Pesticides not previously considered for tolerances or practical residue limits
4.4 Pesticides with ADIs but with only temporary tolerances
5. Future work . .
6. Recommendations . References
Annex 1. Index to documentation and summary of recommendations concerning acceptable daily intakes, tolerances, and practical residue limits, as of November 1972
Annex 2. Further work or information required (or desirable)


Report of the 1972 Joint FAO/WHO Meeting Technical Report Series No.525